Solid help from the group will give the girls the power, and the power of the

Helene Billgren+ FÖLJBillgren give the girls the power, and the maktCamilla Hammarström, look for a light-hearted and serious in the show ( avCamilla Hammarström.

1 of 3 | Photo: John StrindbergHelene Billgren in her studio.The ART of the

the directory for the exhibition by Helene Billgren , you can see that the artist feels like a combination of mystery and of the wife while she is painting. She then rubs with a disksvampen, and find the warehouse that can evolve into something new. But the housewife isn’t so well-behaved, rather than having to clean off the dirt that incorporates the from time to time in effect and to allow it to be a part of the expression.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”>

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> Dirt trasighet has always been present in the Billgrens art. It is up to the job självverksamhet, the game, which does not distinguish between the rich and the poor, between the whole and the broken. Everything will be processed in the alstrandets cup.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”>

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> Billgren has its roots deeply embedded in his childhood and in his childhood, the soil. Nurses, hästtjejer and señoritor people in her world. The means to vary the subject seems inexhaustible: the charcoal drawings, assemblages, and, in the latter years of the full-blown painting. Ever since the time of the Valand school of fine arts, are the girls of the present.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”>

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> in The closed-loop flickrumsestetiken is at once claustrophobic and sinnesutvidgande. Solid help from the group succeeds in establishing this place as a place for the omnipotens and know-how. A strong subjektsposition, which is a prerequisite to job creation.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> & nbsp;

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> The coming apart at the seams is divided into two parts. The one that is more experimental, and light-hearted of assemblage, bas-reliefs, and drawings, and presenting recent work. I get the feeling that the lättsinnigheten, the premise is that the seriousness of the paintings.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”>

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> Where is the solid help from the group in a clinch with the early history of a highly successful manner. At present, is, of course, an image, the Dick Bengtsson ” , but also Ture nerman and , J Mitchell . You can also see the remains of a romantic landscape, where the small figures are in stark contrast to the sublime naturformationer. My thoughts also go to the Henri Matisse , Paul Gauguin .

< a href=”_3mRIX” data-test-id=”text” data-component-key=”text”> This is a typical Billgrensk girl, and maimed, and at the same time, generating a peculiar effect.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”>

< a href=”_2ZkCB, and It does not mean that the solid help from the group is eclectic, on the contrary, it appears each of the paintings to be the expression of an autonomous artistic experience. From the flyhänta to the drab and lumpy. Each and every element of the variety of the palette, it feels genomlevd. They are cute stretched the characters, thin lines, and the higher the sweep.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> & nbsp;

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> < A painting that I have. sticks to the sad song of 2010, representing a singing girl with a guitar. The actual figure is wrapped in a gråsvart the clouds as if a piece of cloth which failed to wipe away the dark stain. After a while, you find out that she doesn’t have any arms, and that it is up to her braids, playing the guitar.

< a href=”_2ZkCB” I’m going to think of the fairy tale Rapunzel with her long hair, how to flickattributet will be the carrier of the force. This is a typical Billgrensk girl, and maimed, and at the same time, generating a peculiar effect. A picture too of creation of conditions. How is the most brilliant artists create out of their spots.


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