The alarm in Sweden may be affected in the north of Italy

The daily smittfallen of coronapandemin approaching 130 000 to all over the world.

nearly 5,000 people have been killed.

In Sweden, one person died and more than 600 people, has been diagnosed with the virus, of which there is no vaccine or targeted drugs against it.

” We’re in the pandemiläge has any indication that contamination exists in the society of Sweden. Now we have to deal with that an infection could be a little bit here and there, ” said Karin Tegmark Wisell, head of the department of microbiology at the Folkhälsomyndigheten.

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the centre for disease sharp warning to Europe
In China, the 3 of 169 people have died after having fallen ill. In Italy, which is the hardest hit outside of the miljardrepubliken has 827 people have died after having fallen ill, and there are 12 of 462 confirmed smittfall.

a new analysis of the risk type, the ECDC, the european centre for disease, which has its headquarters in Solna, sweden to other european countries, which will likely be hit as hard as Italy and China.

the Authority in writing that, in the recent smittutveckling in the rest of Europe, reflects the trend that China experienced in January and February, in the north of Italy, during the month of February.

”It is likely that in a matter of days or a few weeks, similar situations will arise in other EU/EEA member states and the united kingdom,” said the agency.

“We have a very high risk for the spread of infection in the community, and the need to have an understanding of the impact,” says Karin Tegmark Wisell.

< Tegmark Wisell, ”We need to do everything in order to break the smittkedjor”

” We need to do everything in order to break the smittkedjor. We need to prepare ourselves that it could have a significant impact on the healthcare sector with a high need for intensivvårdsplatser, ” said Karin Tegmark Wisell.

in IT, which is the expert agency in order to the european countries, the control of communicable diseases, list of its new risk assessment of a range of measures to prevent disease from spreading, such as putting an entire community under quarantine, and the closing of the schools. Italy has been suspended by the travelling within, into and out of the country, and decided to shut it down, everything from class A schools, shops, and bars.

” Italy has been a nation-building processes, which is similar to our own, and we can learn from their experiences. We cannot guarantee that we will not have the same situation in the united states, but we can minimize the impact.

so Far, Folkhälsomyndigheten it is not recommended the closure of schools and day care centres.

” You have to weigh up how the different measures affect the economy as a whole. Everyone can’t afford to stay at home and do not have a job where you can work from home. If you shut down all the schools and pre-schools, children should be with the grandmother and the grandfather, who is susceptible to the new infection? Or will they push on us.

To put the whole of the areas under quarantine and the introduction of a curfew is another example of the tough measures in order to stop the infection.

” it’s the question of what the extra pressure is making a difference. You should also know that there is a poor evidence of the impact of various measures are.

in the united states and in other countries are preparing now in order to try to prevent a disaster in Italy. Since the night of Thursday, the general assembly, with more than 500 people were banned in Sweden, prior to the ban, so is the scale of punishment from a fine to imprisonment for not more than six months of the year.

” at the moment we are working on our recommendations when it comes to small social or corporate groups of over 500 people. The risks of contamination is, of course, will be lower if you are out and about, go for a walk in the woods than you would if you collected the pool, ” says Karin tegmark Wisell.

and So, nations have been acting against the coronaspridning

in Hungary, with only 16 cases was decided prior to the Sweden and to ban public gatherings of more than 500 people in the outdoors. Inside there is a gathering of over 100 people, shall be prohibited.

on Wednesday, the Danish authorities, that the elements of the social apparatus shuts down, to prevent the coronavirus from spreading further.

in Denmark has been 615 confirmed cases of the corona virus.

the Danish minister Mette Fredriksen said that the schools and universities close, and that the library will not be available to the general population.

Even in Norway, which has the 713 confirmed cases, close to all schools and pre-schools. It is also a mandatory quarantine for Norwegian citizens who have been abroad, this was announced by prime minister Erna Solberg at a press conference.

in Addition, the prohibition of cultural and sporting events.

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