THE class 2-a warning of fierce winds

Väderinstitutet THE Swedish meteorological institute has issued warnings for the whole of Norway, the Swedish west coast county of Halland, and parts of The county. For the most part, in the case of a class 1-warning for very strong gusts of wind up to 24 meters per second.

instead, varningsklassen the top of the class 2, that is, the more severe the warning is, where it is estimated to be gusts of wind up to 30 m / s.

the Warning claims that the stormbyarna can cause damage to buildings, the risk of flying off the object. Any major damage to the forests, and the danger of disturbances in traffic as well as the electrical and teleförsörjning is also to be expected.

”the forecast changed to 30 m/s or higher, update the alert to a higher level of varningsklass”, said the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute, on its web site.

the Worst affected in the Thursday
Then, in the past, it is multi-class 1 and class 2 are warnings out in the area of high water flow.

the Reason for the stormbyarna is a low pressure that have caused gale-force winds to the south. On Thursday, calculated the low pass over the south of Sweden, and is the cause of the strong winds.

the Worst of it will be during the Thursday morning session Thursday afternoon, but already on Wednesday it will begin to blow a bit.

the end of the day, and at night, you can turn to the harsh winds of the whole of western Sweden. The winds are also going to be the cause of the high waters along the coast.


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