The doctor, corona, warning: Our readiness is not enough

the Government announced today that it is strengthening the WHO’s work to combat the spread of the Sars-CoV-2, with a 40 million euro. At the same time, will notify you that the state of preparedness against the spread of infection by the Covid 19th in the country is very good. Folkhälsomyndigheten, and the Board concurs in this assessment.

According to the National risk and vulnerability assessment 2016, the assessing authority as to whether a new variant of a virus is developed that most of the people do not have immunity against, so it will most likely lead to a world-wide epidemic, called a pandemic. The impact on society as a whole is expected to be significant.
20% can be the disease
Pandemics, of influenza have historically occurred at irregular intervals, about three to four times per century. Severe influenza pandemics are estimated to result in a high prevalence (over 20%) and an increase in the number of deaths. In particular, the vulnerability is the availability of beds for highly specialized care, intensive care, physical layout, equipment, drugs and staffing levels that ensure patient safety and good working conditions.

5 per cent develop severe frequent lung involvement that they require a intensivvårdens resources

a National survey by the county council and emergency preparedness show that about one-half of the counties analyzed, the need for the resources that are required in order to be able to deal with emergencies. In the rest of the county there is an understanding that the work has been excellent. In a few cases, however, there is no planning and in the field are not priorities.
100 000 and may need intensive care
the data Available from the current outbreak of Sars-Cov-2 shows that approximately 15 percent of the developing sjukhusvårdskrävande disease and 5% develop severe frequent lung involvement that they require a intensivvårdens resources.

If/when the Covid-19 lead to a pandemic, and the Swedish national board of health’s calculation is correct that is 20% of the population are diagnosed as in need of 300 000 people, over time, hospital stays, and a 100, 000 people in intensive care. In Sweden, there are only 5 to 10 intensivvårdsplatser and a man of around 45, of the 500 admissions per year. These drugs are typically much shorter than the 2-3 weeks that are seriously ill Covid-19 of the patients will require.

At the present time, most of our hospitals are now the major problem and the care of acutely ill patients. Why all this misinformation about our store?

it consultant

a Former county medical officer of Uppsala county.

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