The EU confirmed the incident: Turkish Navy prevents the Irini-use

off the coast of Libya took place on Wednesday for a serious incident to the enforcement of the arms embargo. Three Turkish warships prevented a under the flag of Tanzania-propelled cargo ship could be controlled from a Greek frigate that was in the context of the EU naval mission “Irini” in use.

Thomas Gutschker

Political correspondent for the European Union, Nato and the Benelux countries, based in Brussels.

F. A. Z.

The spokesman of the foreign service of the EU, confirmed the incident on Thursday, without going into Details. According to information from the F. A. Z. the Turkish ships claimed “sovereign immunity” for the freighter that was under your protection on the road.

According to a source, the ships will have even threatened the use of force. The cargo ship at the Libyan port of Misrata. How to listen on Thursday from diplomatic circles was not, it was the first incident of this kind since the Mission began in April. But it was the first that was known, because the state Greek television reported. Accordingly, the commander of the Operation “Irini took back” his command to the control of the ship after the Turkish Intervention.

“We are now going to review the information and reasons for this behavior,” said the spokesman of the foreign service. He pointed out that since April, more than 75 ships via radio stopped had been. In several cases, the smuggling of Oil had been stopped.

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