The experts: How will long-lasting the climate effects of the corona

carbon dioxide Emissions will be reduced by the set, and the decrease in travel. And some of the production to temporarily shut down, can give the impact on global emissions, ” explains Åsa Persson.

” But the focus and resources is on, and the key united nations meetings to prepare for the climate change negotiations are set up.

the SEI-head believes that the coronaepidemin can lead to an increase in awareness of climate change.

” Hopefully, this will be an incentive for even greater use of travel-free meetings, and the development of forms of it. Coronautbrottet may also be able to get us to reflect on the nature of the travel, which is the highest priority, and where the risk of proliferation decreases. It is difficult to see how it can have an impact on our consumption of goods and other types of services other than travel, ” she says.
”, It works and it has benefits to not have to come to a meeting”,
Anna-Karin Nyström who is the head of the environmental protection agency’s klimatmålsenhet are on the same line.

” You are trying out with the coronautbrottet a new destination and in any other way, to be met with, who, hopefully, surpassing the previous habits of the. For example, we have seen that the meetings, which in the past has always happened in the physical, are now being implemented using digital technology, such as video or Skype. I do think that a lot of people may have been aware of that fact, and that there are benefits to not having to travel to a meeting, and perhaps also to find a destination closer to home, ” she said.

the Number of global flights, but declined for the first time, significantly, in February, and the decline is expected to be in march, when several states to close the borders to travelers from other countries. And the carbon dioxide emissions of the republic of China was reduced by 25% or more in several of the factories have shut down, in order to reduce the coronaspridningen.

the Paramedics show up with a provtagningskit. The ambulance, make home visits to people who are suspected of being infected with corona.Photo by: to ANDERS WIKLUND/ TT NEWS agency ”Coronaepidemin shows that the consumption is not static,”
Miljövetaren Over Elofsson Bjesse, who is the communications director at the association of Conscious Consumption, emphasizing, however, that it is, to a large extent, we in the west who are responsible for the typically high emissions of carbon dioxide in south-east Asia, and the fact that it is we who order the goods that are produced there.

“But coronaepidemin shows that the consumption is not static, that it’s possible to change the emission, and our buying habits, and that it is able to provide a clear and rapid impact,” she says.

Let Elofsson Bjesse I hope that this will make us think more about what she calls the ‘excessive consumption’.

” the Environmental benefits are huge, if we consume less, but better. It’s all about buying quality rather than quantity, to cook and to re-use, to choose the second-hand, and to make sure that you have clothes, at least double the number of times that the current level of seven times the purchased piece of clothing.

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