The great rush: the final sprint in the hunt for gifts provides ringing cash registers

The Christmas final sprint has begun. On the last Saturday before Christmas eve, have made hundreds of thousands in the center of Munich on the hunt for gifts. The sales of the Christmas business figures slightly below the previous year’s level. Of the retail hopes on today, Monday.

On Saturday the 4. advent week-end was in the Munich city centre high operation. The retailers to say, however, that the turnover is so far below the level of the previous year. Among other things, the dealers will see the hair dryer as the reason that article are less in demand.

“is It still air to the top,” says Wolfgang Fischer, managing Director of the Munich downtown-business-Association “City Partner”. One reason for this is that the Christmas business this year is to run has been somewhat slower than last year, was the weather. “We had a very strong start,” says Fischer. “And then the hair came from.” It is amazing how sensitive people reacted when Shopping on the weather. “Temperature-dependent items such as winter clothing and winter sports articles were so far, demand less”, then the trader-speaker.

retailers are placing great hopes on the Monday before Christmas eve

But still everything is open. “The Assembly is worried as the final sprint in the Christmas business, certainly for a large rush to the shops, because many consumers have been free,” says Bernd Ohlmann from the trade Association of Bavaria (HBE). He speculates that today’s Monday might even be the biggest sales day in the ongoing Christmas business. Because Christmas is heuer is conveniently located for the shops – the 23. 24. December (in the pedestrian area, the shops at Christmas, are open until 14 hours), and could flush times, a lot of money in the cash register. Fischer speaks of a “fifth Saturday of Advent” on Monday.

Oliver expects “that we will reach the black Zero”. This is the case, when the Munich-based retail in the Christmas business of 1. November to 31. December, around 2.1 billion euros to implement. As much as 2018. In Bavaria, it was 13.7 billion Euro.

Internet trading can be expected now with a rich Plus. “Online sales in the Christmas business in Munich are expected to rise by about 350 million Euro at a record high,” predicts Oliver. An increase of over twelve percent.

the importance of the Christmas season for the retail, show the Numbers: About 20 percent of the total annual sales are made during this time. Ohlmann: “There are industries, as there are even 40 percent, for example, in the game the area of goods.” The time between Christmas and the end of the year is for retail now just as important as the hot Phase before the Feast. Reason: “Around a quarter of the gifts will remain as a voucher or cash under the tree,” says Ohlmann. Gifts, which are redeemed up to the end of the year. Be exchanged only about five percent of the gifts.

also read: just before Christmas: “Rolex-crisis” searches Munich-home – TV-celebrity mocks on Instagram

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