The pension’s not talking broken! The System is better prepared for the future, as it seems

Three examples of the documents:

example one: More than 30 percent of the contributors believe to fall at retirement in poverty in old age . In fact, there are currently only three percent.

That there is poverty in old age, is certainly deplorable, but a tenfold increase of this share is totally unrealistic. In addition, the respondents would have to look only in your pension information, then you would see that most of them have already now, so, on average, long before the commencement of the Pension, is already entitled to a Pension is significantly above the poverty line. Come on! What must not change now, so that Germany falls back to

Germany is proud of its reputation as a “country of inventors”. There are many fields where we are world class – but also many where we fall back. FOCUS Online has asked experts in various areas, such as, for example, social security, digitization, environment, or infrastructure, what not to do in their respective area of expertise, so Germany loses the connection. The resulting guest posts we will publish in this series to FOCUS Online.

Here you can find all the parts of the series.

Second example: especially the young people believe that they no longer refer to Deposit more and less pension than their parents, so it’s worth it for you to make contributions to the pension system. It is true that you will have to pay higher contributions. However, you will also get significantly pension : your pension will even have the pessimistic assumptions, a quarter more purchasing power than that of their parents. You will age better than your parents. Content check (display)

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The third example depends on: time and again one hears complaints about the pension is whizzing like a slide down, so that the pensioners in the future, less and less can afford.

this is Also wrong. The confusing way the so-called pension level is not a level of purchasing power, but a percentage number that says how much percent of the average wage is the standard pension. As wages rise, on average, twice as much as the pension level falls, the purchasing power of pensions in the future, just not quite as fast as the wages.

About the guest author

Prof. Dr. Axel Börsch-Supan, Born 1954, studied Economics and mathematics in Munich and Bonn and obtained his doctorate in 1984 at M. I. T. in Cambridge (USA) in Economics.

He is a Director at the Munich Center for the Economics of Aging at the Max-Planck-Institute for social law and social policy and Professor at the faculty of Economics, technical University of Munich.

Börsch-Supan is a member of the Commission, “Reliable generation contract” at the Federal Ministry for labour and social Affairs. The aim of the Commission is to find ways to a further development of the pension systems, starting in the year 2025.

Commission Prof. Dr. Axel Börsch-Supan

demographic change detail reforms

requires show All three examples, that it is quite wrong, the pension is broken talk. There are good reasons to reform some of the Details of the German pension system, but the System as a Whole is powerful and stable, . It is also the major challenges of the future masters.

Since the challenges of demographic change first. The baby boomers, so the very boomers that were born between the mid-50s and mid-70s, is now in pension and grant of statutory pension insurance in the next 20 years of ever-increasing expenditure.

at the same time their children pay less in contributions in the pension insurance, because they are less in number. This process is fortunately, however, less rapidly than the increase in average Productivity, so that enough is left to allow pensions to rise.

Rising life expectancy makes longer working life necessary

A very pleasing Element of demographic change, the as yet ever-increasing Trend of life expectancy. Every ten years we get about 15 months of additional life as a gift. Common sense tells you that this additional life must be divided into time reasonable between longer working lives and longer retirement.

demand for “pension with 70” unnecessary

Since, however, we need not now screaming after a pension with a 70, especially as we gradually increase right now until 2030 the retirement age to 67 years. Thereafter, when the life expectancy continues to rise in the same extent as is currently the case, it is sufficient by 2040, the retirement age will increase moderately by an additional ten months, and to give at the same time the people five more months of retirement.

If the life expectancy is stagnating or even declining like in the United States, however, there is no need to increase the retirement age. The pension system needs to and can adapt to our living conditions.

digitization influenced the profile of the labour market

A further challenge for our pension systems, the digitalization is. Many fear that the digitisation of Jobs destroyed, the pensions had to be financed.

This will probably be so that Certain jobs will be lost. This applies to both industry jobs as well as the service sector, and even high-skilled occupations. For example, one can imagine that lawyers will be replaced by clever Algorithms. At the same time new Jobs and products, however arising. Just what this will be is difficult to predict.

Only a few experts have seen, for example, the triumphal March of the Smartphones and all the new jobs in the service industry, including highly paid Jobs. Also for lawyers, new and more complex activities are open fields. Our economic history and all reputable forecasts show that the creation of new areas of work will compensate for the loss of older Jobs.

computers and machines ensure higher-quality jobs

in Addition, we benefit from a historical accident. As a result of demographic change, a shortage of young workers. At the same time, digitization ensures that the Computer and the machine can at least do part of the work for us. The fit is excellent! And when jobs are in new areas and the old jobs with a new Computer, and machines of higher quality, is also created enough volume of financing for the pension.

Act so that poverty in old age

drops A third challenge is the increasing inequality. It is to be again and again, to emphasize, in Germany is significantly less pronounced than in many of our neighbouring countries and certainly the USA. It concerns in Germany are also less monthly household income than the assets. Nevertheless, it is important to take care that the poverty in old age remains at the current low level or better drops.

solution not higher minimum wages, but also better education

Calls for a higher minimum wage – in an interview twelve euros are currently in – are misguided in this regard, however. First twelve Euro hourly wage is not enough to create a decent pension, the minimum wage should be around 18 euros. So strong you can not, however, increase the wages, because then a lot of people with a low level of education would be unemployed because the wage cost for the company to be, less people and machines would replace.

it is Important to train instead, the people better, so that the company pay them higher wages. The need for reform, so there is less in retirement than in our education system: The state must invest more in education. That is why it is so important to keep government spending in Balance. It might be nice to have a basic pension for 1.5 to 2 billion euros per year.

billion for planned basic pension investments

This amount will no longer be missing in the case of education, however, is for education. Better education is but the Foundation, in order to create higher-value jobs in times of demographic change and digitization.

The ageing of society means that we need to invest more in the youth, because the Old need the young. So much money you get at the age click Here for pensions calculator

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as 1.5 million people could receive basic pension is financed through higher taxes PCP 1.5 million people could receive basic pension is financed through higher taxes

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