The prison service fears the corona, therefore, be stopped interners visit

In the course of the last couple of days have a section within the prison and Probation service has analysed the action, the authority must undertake in order to reduce the risk of the new coronavirus spreading on a large scale in the country’s jails and prisons.

On Thursday, the decision was made to stop all the visits to the detainees, the prisoners. Only the police, prosecutors, and defense attorneys will be allowed to carry out the visit.

All of the permissions limited from choking
All of the permissions limited from choking. The only exception is if a leave of absence is considered to be ”essential”. The decision also applies to the permissions limited, which has already been approved at a previous point in time.

with All the freedom of movement for the detainees, who are on the way to the end of the term of imprisonment is cancelled.

Thursday’s decision also means an end to the influx of new prisoners. People who have been sentenced to a term of imprisonment and is on his way to report for a prison sentence will have to serve it at a later date. The decision to be postponed by two weeks at a time.

Folkhälsomyndigheten believes that the danger of general spread of the new coronavirus is in the ”very high”. All of the of the Correctional institution of the new measures in relation to the, to the risks of contamination to be revised to ”low”.

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