The school is demolished after their parents alert

a number of parents have sounded the alarm about the environment, the Åkeredsskolan in Gothenburg, sweden, is no longer tenable. The students have had asthmatic symptoms and headaches, to name just a few health problems.

A study last week confirmed the major shortcomings, which prompted the principal to direct, to decide that the school should be evacuated. And now, it’s decided that the students don’t have to come back and write a GP.

” It’s not going to be filling and cook longer. Now, if we consider that the local can no longer be used. This means that we are going to take up a fast-track method, ” says she, in Odenljung), (L), who is the vice-president of the municipal council and the chairman of the grundskolenämnden to the GP.

However, the question of where the students are supposed to go in, the place is not yet solved.

” It is not at all clear, and have the. However, it is on the way. This is a great product. We will be trying to keep it together all the classes, do not take the first available room without having to hold it together as much as we can, ” says Odenljung now.

there Are old drawings on the new school
the Plan is to demolish the school, however, is not yet supported by all of the parties, but only to the governance of the alliance. However, there are certain to have the support of the other parties.

and Then the problems of health and safety at the school as noted previously, there is a drawing of a new school building, to which, however, fell in the zoning plan. Yet, it is unclear as to whether it is in the drawing, it will be assumed, or new plans for the school are to be made. The build may take a long period of time and no timetable is available.

” It will probably take a couple of years in any case. Therefore, there will be an emergency solution in the beginning of the year. Then it might be a situation before you can move in to the new school.

READ MORE: , the gårdsten school is empty, Gothenburg, sweden can’t afford to tear down the READ MORE: at the Invitation of the school plan: Keep your children at home

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