The support of the senior Helmut

Earlier this week, Kvällsposten about Terence Russell, 84, which are each and every morning, and go out to look for the cans at the Malmö city’s cemeteries in order to be able to afford to buy food.

“Sometimes I have so many cans of it to cover the purchase of my goods,” she says.

the Report involved many people, including the social insurance Ardalan Shekarabi, who posted the clip on facebook, and commented on the following:

” Terence is right about that. Those who have built the prosperity and well-being of our country, to deserve the higher pension payments. Therefore, we should increase our pensions. It is one of the most important issues that we have in front of us.
a large number of older people live in poverty
Many of them were grateful for Kvällsposten, attention to older people’s issues, the economy, and that Terence had the courage to be transparent about their own lives and that of their sparknep.

Others described to their own poor economies, with a pension that is significantly lower than that of Eivors.

However, neither Terence or Kvällsposten, a challenge to any kind of race with poverty and misery.

Helmut’s happy with her pensionärstillvaro, and know that many people have it worse.

What she and a host of organised pensioners-the point is that the entire system is fluctuating and very large groups will not be able to survive on their pensions, even though they have worked hard all of their lives.

and Among all those who contacted me, there were a number of difficult cases, with a desperately poor economy as a result of long-term sickness, unemployment or only a few years of living in Sweden.

this problem asks that we will get back to you.

Responses to the text of Terence, 84
Here are a few of the comments on the old-age pension, which had filled the article author: Lars Klint’s mailbox after the date of publication.

”A very sad situation for Terence Russell, who has been working for his whole life. It is sad to read this, and I know many other seniors who are living on the poverty line.”

”there Should be a pensionärsombudsman that could work and satisfy the needs of the older people’s interests and needs.

Last year, in march, I submitted an application for a housing allowance for my mother.

and Now, a year later, she was informed that she was going to get a refund each and every month.

I understand that users don’t have the energy to run this kind of errand.”

”she Had removed the frissan o wine each and every month, she had saved up to 1000:- is there.

and don’t Know where I was at the frissan the last time. Don’t even have the glasses for 395 sek plus the eye test, I have to afford. Should have both really.”

”That ought to start a huge uproar about the way the retirees are being forced to have it!!! As despicable and horrible! Talk about well-being as people don’t have the money to even have to exist in the after life! What a fraud, and that no action is taken . So fucking infuriating !

As a single person, is it a chance that’s needed is an arena for help and support.

”It’s the politicians ‘ fault that there are so many fattigpensionär. To examine how the other countries are paying, and how the health care act. Germany won’t have the people to pay for visits to the doctor, tandläkarebesök.”

”there are many of us who earn a lot less. I myself, for example, and the frissan, I have not visited in 20 years. The tax cut that was promised to the retirees, it is eaten at once by an increase in rent.”

”You will be SO angry! Each and every day, you see young people sitting in those nagelbyggarstudios.

and so, a lot of girls with ”Daisy Duck” for the lips of each and Every youth is tattooed.

Where does the money come from? It’s not fair o, more equal society where those who have built up this prosperity may not be a part of it.”

”to Help an 88-year-old, which has a similar economy, like Terence, but do not need to collect the cans. We are going to go for a full week to the south of sweden, as he is paying all by himself. He has two daily newspapers, and has just bought a new eyeglasses, and hearing aids, require special shoes which will cost a lot. He doesn’t have a fat bank account either, but everything is paid for on a pension.”

”I Think at times that it would be just as well that the authorities will give us a pill so they can get rid of us.” No, a pensioner can now borrow money from a bank, the authorities have created. When we become so worthless that we’ll get to the food, what is the point of retire. It had hoped for in retirement, but have given up.”

”I have as much in retirement as a Helmut around and pass me. However, she has the right of it, there is no room for “emergency” things that light up or that the tv is broken. Strange as it is, here we are in the EU and its norm is at least 15000kr of the month, on a net basis.”

”It is both sad and warm to read about Terence. Hopefully, the spread of the fight for a better pension, so that the politicians will react, and the standard of living is raised.”

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