This cause is rooted in extreme inequality

KulturÅSIKTRevolterna the root of the extreme ojämlikhetKajsa Ekis Ekman: the elites of Chile and the Lebanon, and Ecuador, in order to be a war on the poor, but now they are back in avKajsa Ekis Ekman

This is a kulturartikel , which is a part of Some opinionsjournalistik.Photo credit: Miguel Arenas/Community demonstrator throws a firebomb at police, during a demonstration by students and trade unions.The CULTURE of the & nbsp;
is going on? There is a new one for 2011 – the year in which the Slavoj Zizek named as “the most dangerous american in the year”?

< a href=”_2ZkCB, and It’s millenniumgenerationen who want everything for free, says the american economist, Tyler Cowen. It is a generally well-educated young people, who forged a “radical bohemian vänsterkultur,” writes Nathan Shachar , and regrets the fact that the police are being so “impaired.” It is the violence and the looting, writes Gunnar Jonsson ”

in to the DN’s leader board, but Jonsson, who, we know, of course, is writing the same thing on all of the world.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> & nbsp;
it’s Common for the insurgency , which travels across the world, now that the initial spark was the decision of the transportpolitisk the natural environment: in Ecuador, an increase in the price of petrol, in Chile, an increase in the price of public transport in Lebanon, with taxes on gasoline, tobacco, and Whatsapp. In the middle of the towns and cities that the rebels, in Ecuador, in the rural areas, and in Lebanon, and for the first time in a number of cities. For the low price of petrol for several years to offset the ojämlikhetens the effects of the now, the rise in the price, which is linked to the US’s embargo imposed on key oil-producing countries such as Iran and Venezuela, have made that the cost of travelling to work, no matter the car or the bus, will be gradually increased. This has led to a petrol related uprisings in many parts of the world, including France, and the Sudan. When the state governments also spend on the extra fees and charges, or the taking away of the subsidies, which in Ecuador, is the measure here.

< a href=”_3mRIX” data-test-id=”text” data-component-key=”text”> when you are not able to get to work, where you don’t even have to make money to live, that’s when you’ve had enough.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> at the same time, it slows the global economy down, then, of the expansive cycle which started after the crisis, there now appears to be exhausted, but also because of the trade wars between the united states and China. All of the countries in which the population are now on strike, have gone from a period of high growth that is almost standing still: by 2019, Lebanon has a growth rate of 0.5 per cent. Ecuador, 1, and 2 per cent in Chile and 1.8 per cent respectively.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> Governments to respond to this has been to launch a financial war against the poorest in the country. The savings of the public sector, taxation, and even on Whatsapp. And when you are not able to get into your job, where you don’t even have to make money to live, that’s when you’ve had enough.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> & nbsp;
Plans for all : the protests are in the context of economic inequality. These are the countries with extreme with extreme inequality. In Lebanon, it owns 1% of the population is one-fourth of the resources. The middle of the ojämlikaste country in the OECD, and, in Ecuador, is now growing again, poverty levels, after having declined sharply during the Says.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> In Chile, it is said: “It’s not about the 30 pesos, but in 30 years’ time,” which refers to the period after the dictatorship, when the country is not made up of the legacy of the Pinochet . The constitution, the privatisation – most of the time has been preserved unchanged, and the general strike, are now demanding a new social contract. ”The world has purchased a two-pack of Chile,” writes the sociologist Atilio Borón: : “the transition from dictatorship to democracy, has succeeded, and to-market liberalism promoted all of them.” In fact, it is the same small class, who put their hands on the wealth of the country in the various indigenous languages are spoken, including the Piñera – , which still owns the majority of the resources are available, and more than one-half of the population don’t vote in the election.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> Ecuador has been the victim of what has come to be known in Latin america as “the soft coup d’état”, and it became a test case for the right-wing infiltrationsmetoder. When it was clear that the left wing would win the elections, and was one of the candidates – order of Lenin Moreno, who introduced himself as a correa’s quote. the successor of that after the election, to turn 180 degrees and open for a brutal right-wing politics as well as jailing members of the former government.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> In Lebanon, the public sector, failed completely in the besparingsivern, and, to the extent that either the fire brigade or waste management work. The separation of powers between the religious groups has led to a tiny elite has reached a consensus on enriching themselves while the people pay the highest prices, and the utbildningsavgifterna in the region.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> And, even if not all of the protesters complain of corruption, so the corruption will only ever be one reason for the rebellion. Then it would be all over the world to make a revolution all the time, but in times of prosperity, there are few complaints of corruption. The last straw will be when the rich are raising the fees for the ordinary people, and at the same time, reduce their own income tax.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> the Tax rate for the very richest has never been so low as it is now, and the trend is to lower it further. Löfvens to the abolition of the värnskatten here is part of a global trend.

< a href=”_3mRIX” data-test-id=”text” data-component-key=”font”> how long can you wage a war against the poor, but they’re saying come from?

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> regional level, the means of the protests of the american right wing has now been met with resistance. They have had to cancel the project, the coup d’etat in Venezuela after the war, in april, the Trump appears to have paused plans to set up a government. The loss of one of its key countries, in Mexico, and has now reached the first Flood. Argentina goes to the polls today, and the current högerpresidenten. Marci has been desperately trying to turn their disadvantage, by raising the minimum wage.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> the Protests follow the same pattern as we have seen in the last ten years, they are leaderless, and are often disorganized, which suggests that they are going to slow down eventually. What distinguishes the 2000s, Latin america is from the south of europe, and the Middle east is that the left has managed to take control and implement changes for the very reason that it is done at the same time, in a number of countries, which has led to the formation of a united front in the face of finanskapital and foreign invasion. If it’s going to happen again, however, too early to tell.

< a href=”_2ZkCB, and It is also the case here, the global economy’s new face has come to look like: inequality leads to discontent, which every now and then will culminate with the world. They are charging the protesters for the violence need to ask themselves is this: how long can you wage a war against the poor, but they’re saying come from?

this ARTICLE DEALS with OMEcuador+ FÖLJChile+ FÖLJLibanon+ FÖLJLenin Moreno+ FÖLJLÄS OCKSÅ9 October NYHETERStorstrejk to the president of Moreno15 October KULTUREcuador shows how the rebellion against the capital in may to see the ut23, October NYHETERPLUS to the Experts: It’s because of the protests in Chile, på8 October NYHETERDemonstranter stormed the parliament in the Ecuador20 October KULTURMissvisande the picture of the revolt in Ecuador

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