This Halkkaos of the E6 – a number of accidents

the Alarm is the first casualty came 07.22 in the morning. The accident occurred between the trafikplatserna Värö, and the town of Varberg, in the southbound direction, on the E6 motorway.

the Car spun around, and may have voltat; it is a very, very slippery, on-the-spot, ” says Thomas Fuxborg, presstalesperson by the police department in the Western region.

the Car was on the side of the accident, but the driver escaped without any injuries, according to police.

It has also occurred in two traffic accidents on the E6, at the If, with a one-and-a collision between three cars.

” the Distance between fpo ap, and Sweden have been severely affected, there have been a few accidents. The sun, tear of the road where it was icy, as it will be slippery, ” says Sandra Norland, alarms, and ledningsoperatör in the emergency Storgöteborg.

Just prior to the 09 time, had a car voltat the bottom of the trench at the Fjäråsavfarten.
be Alert for the slip
In Sweden, a car slid off the road at the turn off, and the bottom of the trench.

Skadeläget is anyone’s guess.

” There have been several accidents on the E6, it’s going to be a very, very slippery in this area. We have been calling for the last year. We have rolls of E6, in order to see if there is anyone else in need of help, ” says Sandra Norland.

The gothenburg-based vägklimatföretaget Klimator do in the morning, for the slippery road conditions at several locations in the west of Sweden.

The rio rancho, the City, Nottingham, the north west coast and Ätradalen.

Here you can see a map of the vägläget on where you live.

This is the Klimator

the Klimator is a gothenburg based company, which was founded by two of the researchers in the vägklimatologi more than 20 years ago.

today, Klimator of the high-end models, and artificial intelligence in order to develop a reliable vägväderinformation, to be delivered to, among others, to global vehicle manufacturers, government transport authorities and vinterentreprenörer in order to make the roads safer and more efficient, more effective, and therefore reduce accidents.

Väglagsprognoserna from the Klimator is a fair estimate of the future conditions, which includes data from a variety of sources. The reader should be aware that the vägunderlaget of a sudden change, and careful driving is advised, always, to advice on the use of winter tyres, and keep the relevant distances.

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