Tommy’s an excuse to Malin Berghagen, after a tough few years, together

Tommy Nilsson was married to Malin Berghagen, 53, in the past 15 years, and they had two children together. After the divorce, they’ve got a good vänskapsrelation, but the time together was not always easy.

In an interview on Sunday, saying the now-Tommy Nilsson-the first ten years it was ”amazing”.

” Then it was well, so and so, because of that, I partied and drank so much of it. Hayley wanted something else to do with his life, ” he told the newspaper.
Tommy’s apology to Malin Berghagen, Tommy Nilsson is currently working on her autobiography, ”If”. Prior to that, it is like telling the artist that he was asked to apologize to the three women, the mother of his children.

” Hayley gave me. I have been asked to apologize for the way I carry myself when I was partying too much. Maybe it did, and it was, as it were. In retrospect, I can see that the three of us were together for a long time. I was so happy to keep up our relationship. However, it is absolutely right that came out of it, ” says Tommy Nilsson on Sunday.

as He describes himself, and the Malin Berghagen as a ”two-some ” broken souls”, and that they are met while it was on the way to the end of his current partner.

“It was a ravishing love that is not going to stop,” he told the newspaper.
Friendship involved in it,

and Malin Berghagen, and later testified that they reconciled and now have a great relationship.

When Hayley Berghagens’s mother, Barbro ”Lill-Babs” Svensson, he was buried in the Brighton church of Tommy Nilsson is one of those times.

And for once, Tommy Nilsson is hit by Malin Berghagens of new love, the entrepreneur Martin Charlton, was delighted he did.

” There seems to be a nice guy. Malin happy, my children happy, and then everything will be fine, ” he told the Express newspaper back then.

READ MORE: , and Tommy’s meeting with Malin’s new love affair. READ MORE: in this perspective, the tears, after Tommy’s a fine gesture on the stage. READ MORE: Malin Berghagens kärleksbeslut – just weeks after the familjetragedin

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