Trump holds press conference about the coronavirus

so Far, 60 smittfall has been confirmed in the country, out of which 40 people turned out for the cruise ship the Diamond Princess in Japan. Three of the infected people had recently been on a visit to xi’an, China.

Donald Trump has said that you are in control of the circulation and the resulting global economic situation.” Late Wednesday night, australian time, he called a press conference to inform them of the situation. The press conference should have started at midnight, british time, but it began half an hour later.

the President, Trump made it clear that you have done a successful job of containing the spread, and that he had been in contact with the president of China, Xi Jinping.

” I’ve been dreaming of, Xi, it was a very good talk, and he is working hard, very hard.

Donald Trump is assured that the authorities are well-prepared.

” We’re really, really ready for anything, whether it’s going to be a spread of the greater the spread, or at a lower level. We are still at a low level, so we have been very lucky.”

He also announced that the vice-president, Mike Pence, will be awarded to the most responsible for the us authorities to put a stop to the spreading of the virus in the country.

“He’s got a special knack for this,” he said. Democrats are critical in the debate
In the tisdagsnattens a debate with the democratic candidates went on to the attack on the Trump, which they felt not enough has been done to prevent the spread of infection.

Among other things, the candidate is Amy Klobuchar, said that she would have to act more harshly as the president of the republic and to The have a cut at the U.S. folkhälsomyndighet, in which she was highly critical of the.

Trump said the move a minute later, let’s have a chat about it. He then wrote to the CDC (folkhälsomyndigheten) is doing a very good job of dealing with the virus, and they closed the borders to many parts of the world.

He said,

”no matter how good we are, is the democrats ‘ view, is that we are doing a bad job. If the virus were to disappear tomorrow, they would tell you that we had a really, really bad, and unfit for a job. Not fair, but that’s the way it is.”


During the press conference continued, The target of the criticism of the democrats, and took up what had been said during the debate.

“Normally, I would say that we are able to take it if they want to have more, we can give more and spend more, even though I hope we don’t need it,” he said of the democrats.

READ MORE: , He won ” the debate, ”is frequently on my name, tonight,” READ MORE: As you prepare yourself for the coronavirus in Sweden.

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