Volunteer to serve in the army: A trial squad for Germany

Since the end of the compulsory military service nine years ago, has worsened the relationship between the society and the Bundeswehr significantly. If, in the meantime, many people think that the military itself should be rejected, and some see the army as a bunch of right-wing radicals, then a wrong location, which touches the foundations of democracy revealed.

The Bundeswehr is a parliamentary army, she’s in the middle of the society. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer made the now back to the topic, by has unveiled a new voluntary service in the army. This is good.

just as she was, the CDU-Chairman become, had she dared a thrust in the direction of a General service obligation. She has pursued the idea since then, and could be used as a defence Minister now in concrete terms. “New Voluntary military service in the homeland” is called, the program is advertised with the Slogan “Your year for Germany”. Kramp-Karrenbauer declared as a precaution against a re-issue of conscription was. There would be no majorities.

assignments abroad are excluded

But a “year of Germany”, at least in this direction. The actual voluntary military service, there is, anyway, will not be affected. It’s about seven months of direct contact with the armed forces. Then a time as a Reservist. The pay is good, foreign missions are excluded, and the service should be in the vicinity of the place of residence. In order to facilitate the entry. To kick off the next year, thousands of slots are provided, then you will see how the program is accepted.

Perhaps some people decide in this “trial time” for a military career, when he learns that the German army only once so intense. But even so, such a service is likely to help the image of the Bundeswehr is not only downright back, but to get the German army back back stronger in the society.

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