We will not hesitate to close down schools if it is needed

the Government is preparing for a situation in which the schools are closed, and have decided on a set of ad hoc rules for the schools that are closed due to the coronavirus.

It is by my side has never been a question of smittskyddsansvaret to be at the school. The responsibility for reducing the rate of spread of infection is still in the Folkhälsomyndigheten, and the infectious disease doctors.

on the other hand, the chief of the fathers, as from Monday next week to expanded opportunities, with the support of a regulation to adapt the school, for example, by offering long – distance and distance education, when a school is closed due to the corona virus.

When schools close,

, such A seal can be effected by the operator (i.e., the municipality or the independent school), the following:

, a Consultation of physicians in order to combat the spread of disease; or

, Therefore, that the school is in an area that is Folkhälsomyndigheten have decided to be closed-off, or

On the basis of a recommendation made by the Folkhälsomyndigheten.

it is Only in the case that it is not possible to carry on the business of a large proportion of staff are absent due to the corona virus gets to the school principal alone to decide on the closure. The regulation is therefore not the responsibility of the smittskyddet be applied across the school.
to Increase visibility of the at-risk groups
It is important to point out that at the present moment there does not exist one piece of advice from the responsible authorities to close down the schools. Folkhälsomyndighetens the assessment of the current situation is that there is not an effective way to keep healthy children at home, school does not engage in the epidemic.

in Addition, skolstängning to prevent parents in the critical positions, such as doctors, nurses and many other professions to carry out their duties. In addition, there is a risk that the parents will be forced to take the help of the grandparents, that is to say, the elderly who may be at risk.

the Government will not hesitate,
Regeringsbeslutet on Friday, providing an opportunity for the school to deal with the closure of the virtue of the corona in a quick and efficient manner. I would like to make it clear that the government will not hesitate to act in the case, and our expert authorities made the assessment in the future, schools need to be closed in order to reduce the rate of spread of infection.

We are living in a time when we need to pull together and take our share of responsibility in reducing the rate of spread of infection. I understand and share the concerns that many people feel. I’m going to take each and every opportunity that is given to explain how the government is to look at the situation and the actions that are required.

the Minister (S).

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