What are the limits of the Swedish contribution to the EUROPEAN union

What can we actually do for the money? Yes, you, Jessica, Stegrud (SD). There is a lot of useful information.

What can you say about an absolutely crucial and vital work for a sustainable future environment for our children and grandchildren?

a Common security policy.

the Single market, contributing to jobs and growth.

the Solidarity between the member states of different sizes and with a variety of conditions.

from the start, a single fredstanke.
We do not accept the proposal,
There are many examples of how Sweden, the benefits of being a member of the EUROPEAN union. That is why we are prepared to continue to make a contribution. However, there are limits to how much we are going to make.

the Uk has left the EU countries is, of course, right to the mouth, after food. The size of the budget, the budget needs to be repeated. We can’t accept the fact that the Swedish charge will rise as dramatically as in any of the proposals that we have seen so far.

most people understand the value of membership
It should be kept to a minimum and by keeping the bottom of the EU’s total expenditure, and secondly, by ensuring that the Swedish discount on the membership fee. It’s all about the money that we need in the uk to health care, the police and the school. It’s here, the prime-minister Stefan Löfven and minister for EUROPEAN affairs, Hans Dahlgren, is evident in the ongoing negotiations on the EU’s multiannual financial framework.

It is 25 years since Sweden’s membership of the EUROPEAN union. For the first few years, the synthesis of the opponents of the UNION are regularly in the public debate, but it has faded a bit. Most people understand the fundamental value of the EU.

as a team Leader and a member of the EUROPEAN parliament for the first time.

READ MORE: SD: What does it really for the EUROPEAN billion?

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