Why is health care so be quiet about the risks associated with the kusingifte?

In the british city of Bradford, took note of the authorities that the proportion of children who were born with birth defects was significantly higher than in other parts of the country. In a survey of 11 000 of the newborns showed that the risk of birth defects was more than twice as high as in the case of families in which the parents were first cousins. Bradford has a large pakistani population, and the kusinäktenskap is a regular in the team. The study was published in the prestigious journal, The Lancet, published in 2013.

”Information about the risks associated with the kusinäktenskap should be used as a self-evident folkhälsofrämjande, and civic action”, writes consultant, Alan Starck, in an op-ed piece in the Express newspaper. She points out that the Swedish government is sure to raise awareness of the risks associated with older mothers, but not about the risks that are associated with the kusinäktenskap.
30% of all marriages in Iraq are kusingiften

In the general population is kusinäktenskap very, very rare. Yet, as Starck points out, at present, a significant proportion of the population, originating in the countries in which the kusingifte is normal”.

the study

as of the year 2009. This is true for both Iraq and Syria, two countries with a relatively large diaspora in Sweden.

parents who are, to some extent, parts of the DNA are more likely to have children who suffer from genetic disorders is not surprising. First cousins share 12.5% of their genetic make-up, and if the family has a history of kusingifte, this figure could be even higher. Anyway, the question is sensitive.

Perhaps the reason for the Swedish authorities, the lack of willingness to talk about the risks associated with the kusingiften of genetics is still associated with eugenics – if the state is to discourage cousins from having children, should they not also persuade the other that carries the condition from spreading their genes?

< Kusinäktenskap is a part of the hederskulturen
such An analogy, however, the idea of wrong, for several reasons: first Of all, pregnant women are already in the day to respond if there are any genetic diseases in the family, at the inskrivningssamtalet to maternal health which is considered to be uncontroversial. Secondly, you have to be aware that the kusinäktenskap is a part of the hederskulturen. One example is About the ?ahindal, who was murdered by her father because she refused to marry her cousin, the Turkey, and instead, opted for an american boyfriend.

There is a good reason to inform the public about the risks of marrying a cousin, both in schools and in maternal health.

the Swedish national Board of health, should immediately be given the task of finding out how widespread it is kusingiften in Sweden, and to carry out a campaign to raise awareness of the risks associated with the real cousin.

READ MORE: With the aid of the stop the barnäktenskapen

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