William Thomson tells us – was caught for drunk driving

It was at the beginning of February, which is ”Open”-the host of the show, Richard Chase got in the car to drive to a jobbuppdrag, after partying with some friends the night before. He was stopped in a routine check by the police, and had to breathe into a alkoholtest. It turned out that Tom Thomson was a alkoholnivå of 0.19 milliram per litre of breath – or something that is equivalent to an alcohol level of 0.38. The legal limit in Sweden is 0.2.

“I’ve had anxiety for three weeks now, as a fan,” says Richard Thomson.

” I got up at 6.30 and didn’t know it, I was thirty-sick and tired. At the time I went off the road and got stuck in the alkoholkontroll. I thought, ”damn, it’s left over from yesterday, or not? It can’t do that…”. But it was there, it was a efterångorna there. I had been waiting for a while. However, there are no extenuating circumstances, you’re not going to run rattonykter, ” says the host of the show.

Rickard Olsson chose to get up,

the News agency Siren, conveyed the news over the fredagsförmiddagen. William Chase wanted to stand out with a name and a picture.

” I really like the straightness and the honesty. To be a tv personality with a pixlat face… It will be in any case, guilt by association, and so, if you go into the Flashback, and so it is, in any case, who it is for. What the fuck, ” says Richard Thomson about his decision to share his or her driving under the influence.

Richard Thomson chose to take the sentence for her drunk driving, rather than having to take the case to trial. He will now have to pay 40 day fines, on a total of 32 800 dollars for driving under the influence.

“A very useful, been elected as chairman specifically, and the lesson, really,” he said.

Rickard Olsson: ”lying in a fetal position”

Rickard Olsson has been poor since he got caught in a police check, and hope that other people will be able to learn from his mistakes.

” I’ve been in the fetal position. They do not recognize themselves in the image of himself, either. All of a sudden you are ”one of them”. I will be happy to be that example. Then, put them in a function.

” yes, Yes, I have called everyone right away. It is, of course, everyone must take a distance from it, it does nothing to me. It’s ridiculous in every way. It is just to lie down and bare my throat.

” But they have to understand as well. Even though I feel I’m morally reprehensible for that, so I am still a human being. I’m not the first one, and I won’t be the last, but it is the first and last time for me.

Robert Thomson will continue to work with TV4 on, and ”Entertainment”.

” I’ve got the confidence and the will to write a new contract in which the. I am also a human being. However, I also want to be careful not to make light of what I have done.

” don’t Think you’re sober when you wake up the next day. Find the height of the goods. And don’t rely on yourself, ” says Richard Thomson.

the Truth is, if He’s a dark time.

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