A European Foundation?: A new course for the future crises

Sars-CoV-2 has thrown the world into a health crisis of unprecedented proportions. The due to a number of individual trips across the Globe over the rapid and unstoppable spread of the pandemic is in marked contrast to the difficulties of the States to deal with it – and their management strategies appear to show large differences. Even old geopolitical rivalries could come to a head.

The pandemic broke out at a time, as we prepared us well for several years on another major crisis: global warming. You will have strokes radical impact on the human colonization of low-lying land, our agriculture and food supply and most likely also the Spread of infectious diseases change. We can’t foresee at all, which lead to humanitarian crises and migration movements, the global warming is.

Resolute solidarity

at a time when China and the United States try their own political and social ideas to enforce, we keep the in Europe prevailing common basis on which most of the citizens are proud and which is based on social solidarity, political democracy, and the orientation to the common good. We know that social inequalities are exacerbated in crises, and usually the most under-privileged groups and individuals at the worst hits. To meet these challenges, we expect from the European governments that they will meet their responsibilities. The European Union needs to improve its crisis management capabilities, in order to find a suitable course through the chaos towards the quieter times of the day. You must prove your ability to co-ordinate the aid for those regions and population groups that are most affected by health and environmental crises, and therefore of determined solidarity.

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the current pandemic in mind, such institutional responses through complex administrations, their response times for larger emergency situations are unsuitable. Therefore, there is a need for a mobilisation of civil society. Efforts of wealthy private individuals could far allow faster responses to unexpected challenges and at the same time, the European States and the European Union’s action in a meaningful way complement.

community action of European citizens

In the United States, the initiatives of American billionaires to fight the pandemic can’t be count. Follow a philanthropic Tradition, which is 1.5 percent of the American gross domestic product. In Europe, philanthropy is rooted far less. There are remarkable efforts in the areas of education, science, and social welfare are to be found, but these efforts comprise only 0.2 percent of GDP. Actions against Covid-19 on the part of wealthy Europeans are so far – to put it mildly sown – extremely rare and thin.

we Therefore call on wealthy individuals to participate in a joint action of European citizens and to establish a “European Foundation for the Prevention of Environmental and Health Crises” (“European Foundation for the prevention of environmental and health crises”). You should be equipped with a founding capital of 20 billion euros, which is donated by donors from all 27 EU countries. If 100 donors give an average of 200 million euros, this objective had been achieved.

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