Brazil’s rain forest-Drama: The Indigenous back into the remotest angle

Brazil Covid-19-disaster has no end. Almost a Million infections, tens of thousands of registered Dead and again so many Untold in poor districts and in the provinces. Dramatically, the Situation of the four hundred indigenous people is coming to a head, of which previously many of them were in danger of extinction. They are the “guardians of the rain forest”. At the recent climate summit, the Indigenous of the world community for the first Time had been recognised as a crucial factor, so that the globally important Amazon rain forest is obtained. To Carlos Nobre takes a position, he is a senior climate scientist at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and foreign member of the American National Academy of Sciences. This post we have linked in the original version (English Version) here.

The fire season in the Amazon rain forest is not opened with a solemn political speech, and at its end there are no parades in the cities and settlements of the Region. But everyone who lives in the Amazon region, is familiar with the annual rhythm of the fires. We have seen what happened in 2019: forest fires and deforestation, reached the highest values of the decade. And 2020 has worsened the situation further.

Brazil 2019 for more than a third of all losses of tropical primary forests in the world. Scientists make up a particularly disturbing Trend that is gone in most of the press reports so far, unfortunately: Particularly in those primary forests that are protected as indigenous territories, has increased the deforestation dramatically. This happened mostly robbery by organized illegal land.

The indigenous inhabitants of the Amazon are under threat at a time, in the Covid-19 in Brazil rages on, from all sides. Scientists have recently carried out a study in 21 cities of the Amazon region, which showed that 3.7 per cent of the indigenous population had antibodies to the Coronavirus in the blood, so an infection have passed. In the case of the White, which were investigated, it was at 0.6 percent.

some 20,000 miners are illegally in the territories of the Yanomami. The Yanomami are afraid that through the contact with the invaders even more of them with the Virus become infected. Leaders of indigenous organizations in Brazil, therefore, vehemently, working illegally at the end of mountain workers from the territories to be shown to lessen the risks by the Coronavirus in the Northern Brazilian Amazon, at least.

The disease from the outside world makes the Yanomami and other indigenous peoples of Brazil, fear. You have withdrawn as a reaction to the Virus and the illegal invasions in the remotest corners of their territories back. It is not so long since it was a colonial strategy, indigenous groups with disease pathogens for measles and smallpox, to infect, to decimate them and get control over your country. The lax handling of the current Brazilian government with the Corona-crisis has produced memories and deep-seated Fears aroused.

The indigenous peoples of the country are therefore calling desperately for help. Are not threatened but only you. The attacks on the “guardians of the rain forest” and the progressive deforestation of the Amazon is a danger for all of us. For centuries, the indigenous Amazon residents protect their distinct spiritual and cultural values of tropical forests and their biological diversity. Their way of life, passed down from Generation to Generation, not for the benefit of all of us – the inhabitants of a modern world, living in a balance with the environment.

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