Why Condominium Renovation Is Urgent

In France, condominiums represent 10 million housing units, spread over 740,000 buildings where a third of households live. These figures give the measure of the importance of the construction site of the energy renovation of condominiums. Many things have been done recently to support homeowners, especially with the rise of MaPrimeRénov, but renovating their homes remains a headache and public aid is taking too long to arrive.

The IPCC recalled it in its last report: the energy renovation of buildings is essential to achieve the objectives of carbon neutrality. So let’s not leave condominiums aside, they are part of the solution and contribute a lot to the heritage of our cities.

We, elected representatives of communities of all sizes and partners of the Collective Renovation program, call for the mobilization of all those who have a role to play in this energy renovation of condominiums: co-owners, condominium managers, building professionals, banking establishments, National Agency housing (Anah)…

Everywhere in France, communities are committed to supporting condominiums in their renovation process. They are committed to it because it is their responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions wherever they can. But they are also committed to it because an abandoned co-ownership can expose a territory to the degradation of its heritage, to future social difficulties and to a loss of attractiveness.

Local authorities are on the front line to support co-owners who, although they own their apartment, sometimes have low incomes. Local authorities can offer financial aid, but also, and above all, guarantee reliable support in the renovation process. Confidence is central to success. To take action, tools and resources exist: the CoachCopro platform, practical guides from Rénovons collective and the national network of France Rénov advisers.

The co-owners are also mobilizing and a growing number of them are already placing the subject on the agenda of their next general meeting. For them, the benefits of energy renovation are numerous in terms of comfort, in winter as in summer, purchasing power, thanks to the reduction in energy consumption, but also the enhancement of their heritage, and the possibility of renting their well in the long run. Today, a condominium has a lot to gain from investing in its energy renovation.

We invite the government to accelerate the reforms underway that will facilitate decision-making at general meetings of condominiums and the development of financing solutions. We invite building professionals, for whom the energy renovation market represents a growth engine, to work alongside us to strengthen the confidence of co-owners in the execution of the work and in the choice of materials. We invite banking institutions to develop offers for the financing of the remainder to be paid and financial solutions that will promote decision-making and the launch of projects.

The energy renovation of condominiums represents a powerful lever in the fight against global warming, the well-being of several million inhabitants, and the enhancement of our city districts. To succeed in this major project, we need everyone’s commitment. Together, let’s renovate collectively!

Signatories of this platform: Jacques Baudrier, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of public construction, monitoring of construction sites, coordination of work in public space and the ecological transition of buildings; Michel BOUGLOUAN, vice-president AGGLO Paris Vallée de la Marne; Marwa BRAIHIM, vice-president of EPT Paris Terres d’envol and municipal councilor in Sevran; Nicole BRISTOL, mayor of Montesson and vice-president of the departmental council of Yvelines; Bruno FAURE, President of the Cantal Departmental Council; Christophe FERRARI, mayor of Pont-de-Claix and president of Grenoble Alpes Métropole; Philippe GLESER, mayor of Lorry-lès-Metz, vice-president of the Eurometropolis of Metz in charge of ecological transition and landscapes; François GROSDIDIER, Mayor of Metz and President of the Eurometropolis of Metz; Michel HEINRICH, President of the Urban Community of Épinal; Dan LERT, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of ecological transition, climate plan, water and energy; Fabrice LOHER, President of Lorient Agglomeration and Mayor of Lorient; Sébastien MARTIN, president of Grand Chalon, 1st vice-president of the departmental council of Saône-et-Loire, president of Intercommunalities of France; Pierre MATHONIER, President of the Agglomeration Community of the Aurillac Basin; Nicolas MAYER-ROSSIGNOL, Mayor of Rouen and President of the Rouen Normandy Metropolis; Frédéric NAVROT, mayor of Scy-Chazelles, vice-president of the Eurometropolis of Metz in charge of habitat and housing; Jean-Yves NOYREY, Mayor of Huez and Vice-President of CC Oisans; Quentin PERROT, Mayor of Villard Reculas; Alexandre PUEYO, departmental councilor of Val-d’Oise, municipal councilor of Cergy; Monique RAIMBAULT, Mayor of La Garenne-Colombes and Vice-President of the EPT of Paris Ouest La Défense; Bruno REBELLE, Deputy Advisor for Housing Renovation and Territorial Resilience at Est ensemble; Alexandra ROSETTI, Mayor of Voisins-le-Bretonneux, Vice-President of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Departmental Councilor of Yvelines; Isabelle TOUZARD, vice-president of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole in charge of ecological and solidarity transition, biodiversity, energy, agroecology and food.

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