Acquittal for boxer: Sex with friend as a reason for Doping violation

Because two banned substances were also of the view that the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (Usada) in the Sex transfer, have been spoken by an American fighter from Doping accusations. Accordingly, the friend of the 32-year-old Virginia Fox-had consumed products containing the banned substances were included, which were transferred accordingly, and then during intercourse the female Athlete. The American news Agency AP reported on Thursday (local time).

Fox had been tested in February when a control outside of the competitions in a positive and denied a goal. Rather, they could not explain the findings. Finally, they came to the possible cause and the Anti-Doping Agency reported their suspicions. “I am relieved that the Usada has determined, after completion of a comprehensive examination that my case is unique, and me, for innocent declared, so that I can return to competition. This was a great lesson for me and now that it is over, I concentrate fully on the preparation for Tokyo,“ tweeted Fox, who is in the fly weight and the suspended Olympic games to qualify. In 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, they had missed the qualification just.

“Although the world Anti-Doping Code requires that this case must be regarded as a violation and announced publicly, we are of the firm Belief that this case and other similar cases, including cases of meat contamination and contamination with prescription drugs, should be considered as no violation,” said Travis Tygart, head of Usada. “We will continue to push for Changes to the world Anti-Doping code, in order for an Athlete is not there, face where no intention of fraud, and no performance advantage, with a violation or unnecessary public attention.” As Virginia Fox, whose unusual case ended for her once again lightly.

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