Disinfection with UV-C lamps: Zero corona virus in 25 seconds

crises have already helped some of the technology on the jumps. And so the Moment the decades-old UV-C technology seems now to have come. The need for safe disinfectants away from with Isopropanol-soaked cloth is great. In the food industry and drinking-water hygiene UV-C have been proven in the spotlight as an effective Alternative to chemical disinfection for a long time. Only the leap into the wide everyday life is, so far, failed to materialize. The Corona-pandemic changes the just.

Anna-Lena Niemann

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

The lighting group Signify, formerly of Philips Lighting, and one of the largest in the world, now starts with a whole Palette of twelve product families in the market. “In the UV-C light area, we make now a few exciting things” announced Harsh Chital, head of the digital division of Signify, the new.

The lights will help to make the Coronavirus on surfaces, objects and in the air are harmless. Naturally the ozone layer prevents the invisible light waves to penetrate to the earth. Artificial light sources Signify is not working but for decades, because it is proved that the short-wave and energy-intensive UV-C radiation to make all sorts of bacteria, fungi and viruses harmless by damaging their DNA. New proof that the luminaires are also involved in Sars-CoV-2. The the company now of Boston University to confirm. If the viruses are exposed to the lamps for a period of six seconds, to be made to 99 per cent harmless. Nearly 100 percent reach to 25 seconds.

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