Four Crucial Details That Your ‘About Us’ Page May Be Lacking

In every given situation, your first impression always says much about something or someone. The perception that your business website makes first also says a lot about you. After prospective customers open the site, the first thing that they come across is your homepage or ‘about us’ page. This is, therefore, the first impression they get regarding the business even before they move on to other parts of the website. With this in mind, it is essential to make sure that your ‘about us’ page has all the relevant information and content that will help move more prospects down the buyer journey. Here are some essential services and information that this page may be lacking.

Absence of Contact Information

Ideally, when hosting websites, most businesses tend to avoid having their contact information on the site. This is mainly for small business websites, whereby the owner believes that all people who could need the website are within and are equipped with such information. However, if, by any chance, a customer lacks paramount information such as your contact, address, and opening hours, among others on your ‘about us’ page, they may probably not even continue with the rest of the content. Therefore, in case such details are missing on your homepage, include them to help keep customers comfortable.

Not Explaining How Good You Are

As mentioned above, what is found on your ‘about us’ page determines whether your customers will continue going through the rest of the site or not. For this reason, on this page, include more information about the success that you have achieved as a business. Point out the achievements that you have made as a business and the rewards achieved. Additionally, you could include links to sites with more information about you. Such data show your customers why they ought to work with you.

Being Boring On This Page

When your initial impression is dull, you shut down any interest for anyone who would want to know you more.  For this reason, put effort into ensuring that nothing is boring about your ‘about us’ page. Considering that this page gives your website a first impression, make it interesting, easy to read, engaging, and one that the visitors can interact with. On the other hand, ensure that you refresh the information posted on this page frequently to avoid making it annoying to customers who have visited the same site before.

Forgetting Your Customers

Ideally, when designing a website, your customers should always be in mind, and more so when creating the About Us page. Know what they would love to see on the site and include such information. Additionally, consider the people that you are targeting since different target groups have different preferences. Make sure that the information that you include is what will be relevant to your target group and what will make them loyal customers. You can get help from Magento 2 get quote from order on how to best include your customers on such platforms.

The ‘about us’ page on any website is one of the most visited pages by potential customers. However, this is one of the pages that most business owners pay less attention to. Above are some of the crucial details that your ‘about us’ page may be missing, thus causing adverse effects to the whole business. 

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