Ocasio-Cortez: the illusion a democrat

Woman, young, Latin: your generation represents one of the options for the Democratic Party again to reach the voters

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officially, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 29 years old, became on Tuesday the youngest woman to be elected in the Congress, where it will represent the 14th district of New York, one of the biggest democratic strongholds. However, the policy of the Bronx, of puerto rican origin, has already made history months by beating the almighty, Joseph Crowley, age 56, in the democratic primary.

Then it was number 4 of his party in the Congress and a part of that generation that calls on the baton to Nancy Pelosi, 78 years old, leader of the new democratic majority in the House of Representatives. But the companions of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez clamor for greater social justice, the fight against climate change, rights for the community of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, universal health insurance and education within the reach of all pockets. A revolution that the establishment of the Democratic Party, not the end of embrace of the whole. However, its internet campaign with ads in English and Spanish, and gelled among the voters of various social and demographically.

In the party still wonder how to face the elections of 2020. Did someone in the establishment as Joe Biden, vice-president with Barack Obama, that would discourage the young? What a new face progressive, that frightens voters to moderate? While you decide to lose ground with millennials, increasingly closer to creating a new grouping of center that provides immediate solutions.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have the answer to all these questions. At first concerned at the party by his attitude rebellious in important matters, but has been moderating its stance and making it clear that they will abide by the rules of the game. For example, he took a skid when he spoke in favour of Palestine. Instead, he knew to be amended in time before the astonished eyes of the democrats of New York. For them, this issue is a very delicate issue, because the bulk of their voter base is jewish.

For the moment, the Tuesday morning, the day of the voting, wrote in social networks a message of struggle, but not aggressive, on an issue that is very controversial for Puerto Rico. “I cannot help but reflect on this day: my family in Puerto Rico I go introduce myself to the Congress but do not have the right to vote in the election.” Wanted to address the policy on a controversial issue in the Caribbean island, whose inhabitants are concerned only with surviving the aftermath of hurricane Mary.

a Waitress in a bar in Manhattan, the star of the Democratic Party, an activist, an assistant to the late senator of Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy, brother of JFK and a part of the campaign of senator Bernie Sanders, that was revealed in 2016 the problems the democrats are facing the candidate of the establishment Hillary Clinton. To Ocasio-Cortez, it changed his experience at the protests in the reservation of the Sioux tribe in 2016 against the perforations of the pipeline Dakota Access. In the next few years, will become a key part of the demócrataa, for it represents the pathway to recover to disenchanted voters: women, young and Latin.

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