Paris, Berlin, and the crossroads of fanaticism

Macron insists in Berlin in a strong Europe in front of the “chaos” in global

Merkel: “nationalism can never prevail in Europe”

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, takes 18 months waiting. A year and a half listening to reasons, excuses and long from Berlin. By the elections the German, by the rise of skepticism, the elections of Bavaria. Because the country, Angela Merkel, does not support the speed, the uncertainty, the risks. In the last decade, and the peak, the head of the franco-German has been characterized by a French Government has been wanting to remake (capitalism, governance, Europe, according to the ego of the occupant of the Elysée) and a chancellor by limiting the ambition, opting for prudence, for survival (which is not little) and following to the letter the maxim of Rousseau, that the passions are good if one is owner of them, but fatal when they cause us to lose control, or go to the trailer.

Macron, who very soon discovered how it really works Europe, with its limitations and frustrations, it has not produced yet in the towel. His coming to power, boosting the circulatory system of the EU of a form with few precedents. Has put energy, speech, emotions. Eager to fight and not just defend. Advocates for the change, the reforms, and go beyond. With an eye on history and the other in the future. “Was it easier for those who came before us? How to Adenauer and de Gaulle? What Mitterrand and Kohl? Do not they had to confront taboos larger? What stories are more painful? To build the sovereignty of Europe is our responsibility now,” snapped yesterday in the political heartland of Germany.

In Berlin, the face of the Hexagon came in search of partners and not only partners. Macron known, as the Rochefoucauld, that in life, and in the european policy, “we promise according to our hopes, and we fulfill according to our fears.” And that’s why he urged his neighbors to lose the fear. “Today, we must have the courage to open a new chapter. We have to overcome old habits and to break our taboos. We owe it to Europe, ” appealed to the Bundestag.

The EU, following the referendum on the Brexit and the rise of populist, nationalist and euroskeptic, for all of his geography was noqueada, still looking his way. The 27 conjuraron a couple of years ago to slow down, reflect and decide what we are, what we want to be and what we can look forward before you take more steps in the false forward. Since then, the pervasive spirit asks for patience, serenity and few frills. Scenarios ‘sub-optimal’ to ensure that within 10, 20 and 40 years will continue to be a Union, although it is not very different nor much more profound than the current one. Macron, heir of a long tradition, believes that the resignation is defeat, and in the paralysis there is a death sentence.

The franco-German crosses now a time reasonably sweet. There is mutual respect, trust, and willingness to work. Without overflowing feelings but without belittling him in the back. Paris has content its effervescence, has given time to the machinery of the germans, but believes that the time has come to take steps. The chancellor, which has just begun its long route to the retreat, it is aware. But still resists. Of truth “is it better to keep locked up in our inmovilismos?”, asked the frenchman to his own.

Paris believes that it is the responsibility of the franco-German provide to Europe, “the tools of sovereignty”, starting with a common defence policy and a Military force of its own, a system of harmonised asylum and above all, an economic governance conditions. There is a real appetite in the EU, including its citizens, for a greater integration, a “union growing”, as the Treaties say. There is not, no longer, faith in the enlargement and the deepening of mechanisms for resolution of problems, the path indisputable. But what is almost certain is that if you re-onset of a crisis like that of 2007, and the europeans are suffering another wave of depression, unemployment and suffering because their leaders were unable to repair the architecture and community governance, the euro, and perhaps the Union, may jump into the air. And with good reason.

a few days Ago, both countries were able, finally, an agreement for a Budget of the Eurozone, the next step following the signing of months ago the long-awaited Declaration of Meseberg. A reform very warm and contained, with changes in the Esm (the rescue mechanism of the euro), and steps towards the completion of the Banking Union. Hardly going to fill seats and turn-stricken hearts, but are essential and can be the foundation on which to build bridges and take the next political steps. “This new stage frightens us, because everyone will have to share more, share the ability of making decisions, our foreign policy, migration and development, a growing part of the budget and even fiscal resources”, explained yesterday Macron. But it is time to move. “Europe must be stronger, more sovereign. Our world is at a crossroads”, with the advance destroyer “nationalism without memory and fanaticism”, he warned.

Merkel, aware of the crossroads, believe that Europe is our best chance for peace, prosperity, and which we cannot afford to miss. Few like her have fought to preserve stability, but still has in his hand that his legacy, that Europe is not, to paraphrase Adenauer, simply “the sum total of all the things that could have been avoided”. Lead, said Theresa May on Wednesday, is to take the right decisions, not the easy choices. Lead, said a long time ago and the first chancellor of the FRG, it is not always stand for the same ideal, the same opinion, because no one can stop the time to make us more wise.

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