In Belarus, tens of Thousands of people are going this Saturday again on the streets to protest for free and fair elections. The images go from Friday evening from Minsk, where young women and also some men soldiers hugged each other, the lowered their labels in front of the protesters masses; to motivate; the images of thousands gathered in Minsk and many other cities in the country to be peaceful and happy, you are likely to, once again, many on the streets.

Friedrich Schmidt

Political correspondent for Russia and the CIS in Moscow.

F. A. Z.

From many sides, the Regime of autocrat Aleksandr Lukashenka calls to renounce violence. The influence of the Russian Orthodox Church, whose Patriarch, Kirill, Alexander Lukashenka had congratulated to the alleged re-election to the rich. Now, however, the Metropolitan’s Pavel, the representative of the Church in Minsk said that he hoped that “our Power, listen to the voice of ordinary people and does everything to preserve the peace of the blessed Belarusian land”. Anything else would alienate the people from their Church.

But Lukashenka, and the effect of the real world. He held on Friday evening a meeting of his security Council, and again the Mantra is repeated, the “organizers” of the protests were “people from abroad”. The front in the ranks of the protesters are people with a crime stands “of institutional past”.

Belarusians As a concession to the tens of Thousands, the violence waiver request and the pictures in police custody of abused protesters are shocked, said to the ruler: “We are, as we say here in this Situation, the Slavs. Slavs or not Slavs, we can say, Russian people. If a person has fallen down and lies, then you do not need to beat him. That is, there has to be a certain brake.“

He appealed, but mainly on the Belarusians to take to the streets: “remember that to use you and our children as cannon fodder.” That’s not faith, but the vast majority of Belarusians and let them not stop.

As the first Grand Assembly the funeral of Alxandr Tarajkowskij, of a young man who was killed in Minsk on Monday begins this morning – according to the security forces, a self-made explosive device detonated in his Hand.

observers suspected on the day, however, he had been hit by a noise and flashbang, lethal, and now the researchers suspected, your of the Russian Conflict Intelligence Team, Tarajkowskij might have been a special forces soldier shot.