Eva Benetatou criticizes, Jessica Haller reacts and Chris Broy’s penis clip causes laughter. Vip Vip, Hooray! The best celebrity news of the week is here! This time with a piece of advice: If you earn too much, for heaven’s sake don’t get caught at Aldi!

Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg has just announced – allegedly with a heavy heart – that he will soon have to lay off 11,000 employees. He got bogged down. In fact, Facebook is on the decline and is attracting fewer and fewer people. Instagram also has a number of construction sites, not only because many people prefer to spend time on the fast-growing Tiktok platform. BR24 asked the question on this subject in August: “Is Instagram copying itself to death?” The fact is: Adietten-Mark is pretty nervous. And then there are also the many “serious influencers” who are taking to the barricades because Instagram is becoming more and more Tiktok.

But as long as there are enough people who sell scented candles, “washcloths for underneath” and discount codes – also in connection with mental illnesses – to their foolish followers, there is still enough boom in the Instaversum. Also this week you only had to sit back and you could immediately witness some crazy Insta posse. Oh, how many things one doesn’t do to keep the conversation going!

Chris Broy, for example, made a tiny faux pas. Hardly worth mentioning! Or maybe one should rather say: Dear Broy-Boy, keep your eyes open while lend a hand! Chris must have accidentally hit some mean button on his smartphone, so that a video of his love session with himself went online in no time – much to the amusement of his ex-partner and mother of their son, Eva Benetatou, by the way.

But dear Eva couldn’t laugh at all about another person from the Instaversum: the former Bachelorette Jessica Haller. The 32-year-old had completed a 70-day fitness challenge with her husband Johannes Haller – and it was tough! The result: a well-defined body, including a six-pack. In a discussion on ZDF, reality TV participant Ms. B. now accused Ms. H. Schmu. Clever was, not explicitly Ms. H’s. to pronounce names. But word of who was meant had spread like wildfire.

Ms. B. expressed her displeasure: “There is one who said she did a 70-day challenge and then uploaded videos and photos where you could see that fat was sucked out.” Wow, what a scandal! It must be urgently denounced that cheating is being done on Insta! Insanity! Surely no one would have thought that possible!

No matter what the hashtags on social media are called. Of

Liposuction or no liposuction: that is the question. Haller recently explained the punctures next to her belly button as follows: “The treatment I did is called Morpheus8, a combination of microneedling and radio frequency”. Either way, Haller is a jock. And instead of asking someone privately what the two scars on their stomach are all about, you can of course criticize them publicly – while you spread your own life and that of your little child enough on Instagram.

Jessica Haller has now commented on the “rumors” that are being spread about her and which she says she was “the last to know”. Without Ms. B’s. When it comes to naming names, she shares: “Stay away from people who intentionally want to harm you just to look good on the outside (…) It’s never good for your own personality and karma to be bad about others speaks.”

Haller said she only had the procedure because a doctor told her her stomach wouldn’t go back to the way she wanted after her pregnancy. Public gossip from Eva, tit for tat from Jessica – with a clear statement to stay away from “toxic people” and to be proud of what has been achieved.

By the way, Pietro Lombardi’s fiancé Laura Maria Rypa also had stress this week. The 27-year-old seriously dared to go shopping at Aldi! That’s really strong stuff! And then the mom-to-be also bought a nursing bra that was on sale! Also: coat hangers and washing machine tabs. Some critics find this kind of outrage annoyed: “People who have money buy the cheapest from people who have less, that’s just not possible”.

Yes, that’s some juicy little scandals to experience through this fantastic Instagram! Laura is shopping at Aldi, while her future husband recently announced that she had spent a million euros in nine months for – vacations and booze! There are those who believe that mankind is walking towards the abyss in seven league boots. But when it’s all too late, at least we’ll be able to say: We had great hashtags, 70-day challenges and lots of discount codes!