President Emmanuel Macron officially invited the political parties represented in parliament to a meeting on August 30. The Head of State thus clarifies his major political initiative announced in the middle of the summer. The discussions, during an afternoon and a dinner, will focus on “the international situation and its consequences for France”, “the effectiveness of public action”, including new avenues for decentralization and institutional reforms and “the cohesion of the nation”, according to a letter made public on Saturday August 26.

“You share between yourselves strong agreements and real disagreements. But when the best interests of the country are at stake, I have confidence, like many French people, in our ability to converge without denial or renunciation, ”wrote Emmanuel Macron in this letter addressed to party leaders, as well as to presidents assemblies. After wanting to dismiss the National Rally (RN) and La France insoumise (LFI), the Elysée changed its mind and finally invited these two formations.

The Head of State confirms that he is prepared to have recourse to the referendum route if necessary. “The ambition will be to agree on courses of action that can find concrete and rapid translations in the achievements of the government and the legislative texts built together. The people, through the voice of their representatives and, if necessary, by referendum, will have the last word,” he adds.

Emmanuel Macron also mentions in his letter the recent urban riots which “revealed in part of our youth a loss of sense of authority and civility, a form of decivilization”. The letter specifies that the place of the exchanges will be communicated quickly, and calls on the participants to propose written contributions or to suggest other themes.

The interview of the President of the Republic to read in 5 parts:

1/5: Emmanuel Macron: “On school, we must get out of French hypocrisies”

2/5: Emmanuel Macron: “I will talk to Vladimir Putin again when it is useful”

3/5: Emmanuel Macron: “I can’t be satisfied with an unemployment rate of 7%! »

4/5: Emmanuel Macron: “We must work to recivilize”

5/5: Emmanuel Macron: “I will preside until the last quarter of an hour”