Ansbach (dpa / lby) – Almost 66,000 people watched this year’s Bavarian state exhibition on Franconia. In view of the still noticeable effects of the Corona crisis, the organizers from the House of Bavarian History announced on Monday that these are pleasing numbers. The show “Typical Franconia?” in Ansbach, from May to the beginning of November, it was mainly families or individual guests who visited. In groups and school classes, on the other hand, there was reluctance.

The 1000 square meter exhibition explored the question of what makes Franconia special. Using 150 exhibits, she showed above all the diversity of the region in northern Bavaria, but also played with clichés and prejudices. In a visitor survey, in which around 18,000 guests took part, 81 percent stated that the exhibition was good or very good, according to the organizers.

The visitors should judge for themselves what is typically Franconian for them. In an interactive survey, beer took first place, followed by bratwurst and the Franconian dialect. Respondents were asked to choose their three favorites from twelve terms.