Turkey sets conditions for Sweden and Finland to join NATO. After talks with Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu, Secretary General Stoltenberg puts the pressure on. Both candidates have implemented their promises.

According to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Finland and Sweden have fulfilled the conditions agreed with Turkey for joining the defense alliance. “It’s time to welcome Finland and Sweden as full members of NATO,” said the Norwegian after a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. Along with Hungary, Turkey is the only NATO state that has not yet ratified the accession of the two countries.

Stoltenberg stressed that Finland and Sweden had implemented the commitments made in an agreement in June. “It is clear that Finland and Sweden have fulfilled the memorandum and are committed to a long-term partnership with Turkey.” He spoke of “important concrete measures” to implement the agreement. Among other things, they have significantly expanded cooperation with Turkey in the fight against terrorism and there are more extraditions to Turkey. “Finland and Sweden delivered.” He will also discuss this with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday.

Cavusoglu, on the other hand, was much more reserved. Steps taken so far are not sufficient, he said. Finland and Sweden said they are committed to their promises. But what counts is the implementation, said Cavusoglu.

Turkey had long blocked the start of the accession process for Finland and Sweden. The country accused the two countries of supporting groups and actors that Ankara classifies as terrorist organizations. According to Turkey, Sweden later promised, among other things, the extradition of more than 70 “terrorists”. Stockholm did not confirm this. Erdogan had repeatedly stated in the past few weeks that he could block the recording again.