After the series of fires with millions of euros in damage to the boat shed in Neubrandenburg, the affected tenants need patience and money. Not only is a development plan necessary – the clearance costs must also be shared.

Neubrandenburg (dpa/mv) – The owners of boat sheds who fell victim to a major series of fires in Neubrandenburg need a lot of patience. As a spokesman for the city administration said at a forum on Wednesday, a development plan is necessary. This process will take around two years, so that the first building applications can be expected in mid-2024 at the earliest. This is not easier because of the building plan law. Some of the boat shed owners were disappointed.

Since April, around 70 of the 400 boat sheds at the Oberbach facility have been destroyed or badly damaged in three fires. A major fire destroyed almost 60 shelters in the last two rows alone. The total damage is so far estimated at around 1.4 million euros. The culprit is still being sought. Police are investigating premeditated arson.

After the fires, the city had to clean up the ruins and contaminated material, such as oil, asbestos, and machinery. This should be completed by the end of November. The oil barriers laid out in May are to be removed shortly.

So far, around 420,000 euros have accumulated in costs for the clearance, it said. In addition, there should be further disposal costs for soil contaminated by asbestos fibers. This material must come to a special landfill. It is still unclear how these costs will be passed on to tenants. The city is the owner of the water areas on the Oberbach not far from the Tollensesee.