Shortly before the midterms in the USA, the husband of the top democratic politician Pelosi is attacked and seriously injured. The brutal attack causes horror – but not for everyone. Republican Lake, who is close to Trump, makes fun of it during the election campaign.

After the attack on the husband of US top politician Nancy Pelosi, some Republicans used the attack to make fun of them during the election campaign. Rising Republican Kari Lake spoke about protecting schools from attackers during a campaign appearance in Arizona and joked about the attack on Pelosi’s husband Paul. Lake, who is running for Arizona’s governorship in the upcoming Nov. 8 US election, argued that if politicians and lawmakers were to be protected, children should be too. “Nancy Pelosi – well, she’s protected when she’s in DC,” Lake said, referring to Washington. She added: “Obviously her house is not very well protected.” The audience responded with laughter.

A few days before the US general election, the so-called midterms, Paul Pelosi was attacked and seriously injured in the couple’s home in San Francisco. In the middle of the aggressively conducted election campaign, a man broke in at night, asked for Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader of the House of Representatives, and brutally attacked her 82-year-old husband.

The attack increased fears of further politically motivated violence in the United States. President Joe Biden drew a connection to Republican rhetoric surrounding predecessor Donald Trump. Kari Lake is adamant about Trump and is supported by him in the election campaign. The 53-year-old is one of the most extreme faces of the Republicans and is celebrated like a pop star by parts of the party.

Earlier, Republican Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin referred to Nancy Pelosi and her husband during a campaign appearance, saying: “There is no room for violence anywhere – but we will send her back to be with him in California. ” According to recent polls, the Republicans have a good chance of gaining a majority in the House of Representatives.