The economic index of the chambers of industry and commerce has reached a new low in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Above all, the uncertain situation in the energy crisis is dampening the expectations of companies.

Schwerin (dpa/mv) – The consequences of the energy crisis are inhibiting companies’ expectations of further economic development in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. “It’s a tense, very tense situation,” said Matthias Belke, President of the IHK Schwerin, on Tuesday at the presentation of the economic survey of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHK). At 70.8 points, the index is 30 points lower than when the companies were surveyed in early summer.

Above all, Belke blames the lack of planning ability against the background of the increased energy costs for the bad expectations in the economy, in particular the unclear details of the planned measures by the federal government.

The general manager of the IHK in Schwerin, Siegbert Eisenach, described the uncertainty as poison. Despite the complex situation, the situation in most companies is stable, with just under a fifth describing their current situation as bad. However, almost two-thirds expect the situation to deteriorate further.

The survey of the financial situation paints a similar picture. Accordingly, 46 percent of the companies see their financial situation as unproblematic. Although more than a third complained about a decline in equity, only 5 percent of the companies said they saw the risk of insolvency.

According to the chambers, more than half initially reacted to the energy costs by postponing investments. In contrast, 24 percent said they were trying to actively improve their energy efficiency. According to Belke, investments are primarily made in LED lighting and photovoltaic systems. But everyone is aware that photovoltaics is not a solution for this winter.

Despite the current situation, the IHK representatives warn to plan for the future. In addition to Russia, dependence on China is also a risk factor. “The companies there are sensitized. The German economy must become more resilient there,” says Eisenach. You shouldn’t just bet on one horse, that applies to energy, but also to other raw materials.