The much criticized fifth season of “The Crown” will start in about a week – now with a disclaimer in advance. Diana actress Elizabeth Debicki hopes that “the conversation can finally be steered back to the creative endeavors of the series”.

Elizabeth Debicki has spoken out again about criticism of The Crown’s fifth season. Speaking to Radio Times magazine, she said, according to the Daily Mail: “Now that the disclaimer is in place, maybe we can stop talking about it and move forward. If it’s helpful to certain people, then so be it be, and now the conversation can be steered back to the creative endeavor of the series.” She was always very aware “that you never know what happens behind closed doors and that an author interprets what could have happened”.

In a trailer for the fifth season, Netflix points out in a text panel that what is shown is a “fictional drama”. On the German-language Netflix YouTube channel, the disclaimer reads as follows: “This true event-inspired drama series tells the fictional story of Queen Elizabeth II and portrays the political and personal ups and downs of her reign.”

This sentence makes it clear in two respects that “The Crown” has no claim to 100% biographical truth. There had previously been criticism of the allegedly negative portrayal of the British royal family in the series.

Camilla actress Olivia Williams, like her colleague, tries to appease the critics. She told Radio Times that the new episodes and the story of the divorce are not something the Palace should be afraid of because Peter (Morgan) is very careful to keep attributing these events to how they feel affect the Crown. The show is called The Crown, not Charles or Diana or the Queen. It’s about the Crown. And so I think it’s both interesting and philosophical and relevant to that.”

‘The Crown’ creator Peter Morgan previously said in an interview with Variety: ‘I think we all have to accept that the 1990s were a difficult time for the royal family and King Charles will almost certainly have some painful memories have that time.” This does not mean “that the story will be unkind to him or the monarchy afterwards. The series certainly isn’t.” He has “tremendous sympathy for a man in his position” and for this family, Morgan said. “People are more understanding and compassionate than we sometimes expect.”

After a break of exactly two years, the historical series “The Crown” about the British monarchy returns to Netflix on November 9 with the fifth season. The plot takes up events from the beginning to the mid-1990s – and thus a more than turbulent time for the British Royals, which was particularly marked by the marital problems between Charles and Diana.