Greifswald (dpa/mv) – Before a discussion on the construction of a new interim storage facility for radioactive waste in Lubmin in western Pomerania, environmental and nature conservationists, among others, called for the plans to be improved. These do not meet the necessary safety requirements for high-level radioactive waste, criticized the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) on Tuesday. Among other things, the association calls for the construction of a so-called hot cell in which defective castors can be opened.

According to the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE), the project is of nationwide importance. This is the first such new building in a long time. 74 casks with highly radioactive waste from the interim storage facility previously in Lubmin are to be accommodated in the replacement transport cask storage facility. The reason for this is increased security requirements. The office states 2027 as the earliest possible storage.

An exchange between doubters and those responsible was planned for Monday afternoon in Greifswald. According to the Federal Office, more than 200 citizens raised objections at the beginning of the year. You are invited to the discussion session. In addition to representatives of the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management and experts, representatives of the responsible disposal plant for nuclear plants GmbH (EWN) should also take part. According to BASE, the results of the appointment may be taken into account in the approval process. If necessary, the appointment should be continued on Wednesday.