Mannheim (dpa/lsw) – Police checks at a techno event at the weekend in Mannheim led to investigations into 330 people, 315 of whom were suspected of violating the Narcotics Act. Several thousand people came to the party from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning. A total of 182 vehicles and 685 people were checked, the police said on Monday.

According to the police, more drugs were seized this time compared to last year. Over 250 grams of a wide variety of drugs were seized, ranging from cannabis products to heroin, cocaine and LSD trips to amphetamine and psychogenic mushrooms. There are also over 500 ecstasy tablets. Several hundred euros in deal money were collected. Eight people were allowed to go home after paying a security deposit.

Three pickpocketing, three dangerous bodily harm and two robbery offenses were also noted. Two provisionally arrested are also reported for resisting law enforcement officers. Two officers were slightly injured. More than 20 people were admitted to various clinics with circulatory problems.

A 38-year-old was arrested on Friday evening in possession of various drugs, including over 100 ecstasy tablets. In addition, he showed a fake passport. Further checks revealed that he was already wanted on an arrest warrant and that there was an arrest warrant.