Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – A 45-year-old man in Frankfurt was sentenced to one year and four months in prison without probation for punching a paramedic. The man, who had previously been sentenced to probation for other violent crimes, was due to be taken to a hospital in October 2021 due to health problems. On the way to the hospital, he punched the paramedic in the face, causing bruises and bruises. After medical treatment, the man was arrested. The judgment of the district court in Frankfurt on Monday is not yet final.

In court, the accused did not comment directly on the allegation. In the opinion of the court and the public prosecutor’s office, given the importance of rescue services and their employees, a tangible punishment must be pronounced. Because he had also committed a criminal offense during an ongoing probationary period, no new suspended sentence could be imposed. Even the considerable alcohol consumption of the man, who was found to be almost two per mille, does not change that.