Munich (dpa / lby) – According to the first official figures, gross electricity generation from renewable energies in Bavaria fell significantly last year. This emerges from a response from the Ministry of Economic Affairs to a request from the Greens in the state parliament, which is available to the German Press Agency in Munich. The ministry refers to figures from its estimated energy balance, as the final values ​​are not yet available. Accordingly, water, wind, sun, biomass and Co delivered 37.4 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity. This is 1.5 TWh less than 2020 (38.9) and 1.3 TWh less than 2019.

On the other hand, electricity production in Bavaria increased overall in 2021: at 78.5 terawatt hours, it was significantly higher than in previous years. In 2018 it was 73.8 TWh, in 2019 and 2020 74.9 TWh each. In contrast to the declining renewables, the statistics for 2021 show an increase of 2.5 TWh to 23.5 TWh for nuclear energy (2020: 20.8), and for natural gas an increase of 1.7 TWh to 13.7 TWh (2020 : 12.0) and for coal an increase of 0.6 TWh to 2.4 TWh (2020: 1.8).

“Things are going backwards in Bavaria when it comes to electricity production from renewable energies,” said the energy policy spokesman for the Greens, Martin Stümpfig. A declining trend in electricity generation from renewable energies in times like these is actually hardly imaginable – “but the catastrophic energy policy of the state government makes it possible”. After many years of missing the energy transition, Bavaria is currently still a long way from meeting the expansion targets for renewable energies.

Further: “Other federal states can compensate for bad wind years with an extension. Unfortunately, this does not work in Bavaria: In 2019, almost 5 TWh of electricity was generated from wind energy, in 2021 only 4 TWh.” This shows once again that the state government must finally make more wind power possible.