Summer 2023 goes through the month of August, weeks where many start their vacations while others are joining the routine. This is the time when department stores and shops speed up their summer sales days. They are the added discounts, what is popularly known as “second sales”. Let’s see when this campaign ends.

Despite the change in regulations in 2012, when the sales periods were released, most sales days are common throughout Spain. Although the official shot started on July 1 for both the physical and online stores, the end of this season of discounts depends on the strategy of each establishment and the calendar of each autonomous community. In some cases the sales extend until the last days of September.

On the other hand, other autonomous communities maintain the traditional terms of the summer sales period, starting on July 1 and ending on August 31 so as not to coincide with the Back to School campaign.

It should also be taken into account that there are stores that take advantage of the second sales to throw the house out the window to increase their sales volume and eliminate stock, while others opt for a more discreet campaign profile.

Whatever the dates of the established sales, experts recommend having a clear idea of ​​what to buy beforehand in order to check the final price in different establishments and thus be able to get a bargain that is worth it.

Despite the release, each autonomous community establishes its own summer sales calendars in 2023: