It is an absence that will not fail to be noticed in the Republican ranks. Former US President Donald Trump confirmed on Sunday that he will not participate in his party’s primary debates, the first of which takes place on Wednesday August 23.

“The public knows who I am and what a successful presidency I’ve served, with energy independence, strong borders and military, the deepest tax and regulatory cuts, no inflation, the strongest economy. strong story, and so much more,” Donald Trump said on his Truth Social platform.

“THUS I WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE DEBATES!” he added, claiming to have 62% of the Republican primary voting intentions, 46 points ahead of his most serious rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Ron DeSantis is “crashing like a sick bird,” the former president quipped.

Five months before the start of the primaries, which will designate the Republican candidate for the American presidential election of 2024, Donald Trump enjoys support from his base stronger than ever. But his legal setbacks cast a shadow over his attempt to return to the White House.

The stormy billionaire, who denounces a “witch hunt”, is beset by cases: he is charged with conspiracy against American institutions in connection with his actions to reverse the result of the presidential election of 2020, negligent management of confidential files and falsification of accounting documents after the purchase of the silence of an actress of X films.

The first Republican debate is scheduled for Wednesday in Milwaukee, in the northeastern United States. Seven candidates met the necessary criteria to participate. Attending will be Ron DeSantis and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, Donald Trump’s former Vice President Mike Pence, his former UN ambassador Nikki Haley and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott.

Also in attendance will be businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, both of whom are threatening Ron DeSantis’ current runner-up spot in polls in Iowa and New Jersey. Hampshire, first states to vote in primaries.

The authorities of the Republican Party had given Donald Trump until Monday to announce his decision on his possible participation. Despite his strong lead in the polls, relatives of the billionaire fear that his rivals will take advantage of his absence to launch a dynamic.

In 2016, after missing a debate, Donald Trump lost Iowa in the Republican primaries to Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Ron DeSantis and the other competitors could therefore see the absence of the ex-president in Milwaukee as a boon.

As a condition of participating, candidates must pledge “to honor the will of primary voters” and support the winner. But how to enforce this rule is not obvious. Donald Trump has already declared that he will not sign this pledge.

On Friday, the New York Times said that Donald Trump would give, at the same time as the Milwaukee debate, an interview with Tucker Carlson, the former star host of Fox News today broadcast on X, ex-Twitter. The candidate’s campaign team refused to confirm.