If higher heating cost deductions or additional payment demands exceed the household budget, people with a regular income can also receive social benefits. The North Rhine-Westphalia consumer advice center points this out. The local job center is responsible. You could also be entitled to state support if this has not been the case before.

And if the worst comes to the worst, help is also available if there are small assets available in a current account or savings account, for example. The assets of individuals must not exceed EUR 60,000, for each additional person in the household the limit is EUR 30,000. In principle, claims also exist if you have already paid the bill yourself. Important: Only heating costs will be reimbursed. Electricity costs are only covered if electricity is used for heating.

In principle, urgency is required: Applications should be submitted immediately after receipt of the invoice. Claims could otherwise be lost. The reason: Additional payments are considered necessary in the month in which the additional claim is due. If the landlord has not set a deadline in the utility bill, claims become due upon receipt. Even with increased deductions, support services cannot be applied for afterwards.

“In order not to let time pass, it makes sense to initially submit the application informally. A sentence that makes it clear that you want to submit an application is sufficient,” says Kolja Ofenhammer, an expert on credit and debt relief at the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer advice center . Evidence could be submitted later.

The local job center is the point of contact for those in employment. Since any claims are granted within the framework of basic security and the regulations on unemployment benefit II are decisive for this, a regular one must be submitted. Anyone who is already receiving state social benefits can get in touch with the previous contact person at the job center or social welfare office.