Bulgarian Princess Kalina has refused to give a blood sample for a breathalyzer test after crashing an SUV into a parking barrier in the Bulgarian town of Borovitz, the private NOVA TV station reported on Sunday, citing sources. of the Balkan country’s Prosecutor’s Office.

Faced with this situation, the investigators will take into account the measurement of exhaled air that the policemen did when they went to the scene of the accident on Saturday, and which yielded a result of 1.5 grams per liter of alcohol, added the source. The Bulgarian Penal Code considers that level of breathalyzer a crime, punishable by between one and three years in prison and the confiscation of the car or a fine equivalent to its price.

In this case, the car, which was voluntarily handed over to the authorities as physical evidence, according to NOVA TV, which adds that Kalina from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Gómez-Acebo is no longer under police surveillance.

Several Bulgarian media claim that the 51-year-old princess was driving a jeep in a drunken state when she crashed into a barrier in a hotel parking lot in Borovetz, with no one being injured.

The private broadcaster Nova TV has shown images of a smashed barrier, and the 24 chassa newspaper published photos of the only daughter of Simeon II of Bulgaria in a police patrol car after the accident.

Her husband, the Spanish explorer Kitin Muñoz, denied today that his wife was drunk and accused the media of exaggerating what happened just because of her origin. “She may have had a glass of wine, but that’s not drinking alcohol. That’s nothing. The incident is minor,” Muñoz told Bulgarian private broadcaster bTV.

“My wife lost her dog. She loved him very much. She has three dogs. We haven’t been able to find him yet. She’s stressed. We drove around Borovets all day. She crashed the car while parking, obviously,” he added.

On Saturday, the Bulgarian Ministry of the Interior confirmed to EFE the main details published in the press, although without revealing the identity of the driver of the car. “At 3:20 p.m. (12:20 GMT), the police received a call saying that a car had crashed at the exit of a hotel car park in Borovets. The patrol that immediately went to the scene identified the driver, a 51-year-old woman. “A spokeswoman for the ministry then declared.

He explained that “after a test with a technical device, the sample gave more than 1.2% alcohol in the expired air”, after which the driver was to be “accompanied by police officers to a medical center to take a blood sample”.

The media do not specify the reasons for the stay in Bulgaria of the only daughter of Simeon of Saxony, former prime minister and last king of the Bulgarians. In Borovetz, a mountain resort, is the Tsarska Bistritsa Palace, one of the residences of the Bulgarian royal family.