Dresden/Leipzig/Plauen (dpa/sn) – Several people were slightly injured in apartment fires in Saxony over the weekend. According to the Zwickau police department, rescue workers were called to a large-scale operation in the Plauen district of Haselbrunn on Saturday afternoon because a fire had broken out in the hallway of an apartment building. The fire brigade had to evacuate the house, with residents also using a turntable ladder to get outside. A woman (33) and a man (32) suffered minor injuries. The house is not habitable for the time being due to heavy sooting. The property damage was estimated at 80,000 euros. The police are investigating a possible arson attack.

A fire broke out on the second floor of an apartment building in the Striesen district of Dresden on Saturday evening. However, at that time there were no longer any people in the affected apartment. Due to the heavy smoke, all residents were brought to safety. A two-year-old boy was treated as an outpatient with suspected smoke inhalation. The fire apartment is currently uninhabitable, it said. All other tenants could have returned to their apartments.

Already on Saturday morning there was a fire in a two-family house in the small town of Frohburg (Leipzig district). Here, too, the cause has not yet been determined. “A 70-year-old who noticed the fire and entered the apartment to look for the tenant was slightly injured and had to be taken to a hospital for further treatment,” said the Leipzig police department on Sunday. The affected apartment cannot be used at the moment either. According to the police, the resulting property damage is in the upper five-digit range.