A serial killer in the US state of California is said to have shot and killed five people in just two and a half months. Now the police are arresting a suspect. At the time of the arrest, he was “on the hunt” again.

California police have arrested a suspected serial killer suspected of shooting dead five people in just two and a half months this summer alone. Another victim was killed last year. The 43-year-old was caught early Saturday morning in the town of Stockton while “hunting” for another victim, according to police.

“He was on a killing spree,” said Stockton Police Commissioner Stanley McFadden. “We are certain that we have prevented another murder.” Investigators are still looking for a motive for the crime.

Five men were shot dead in the Stockton area between July 8 and September 27. The murders showed a number of parallels. The fatal shots were fired in the evening or early in the morning. At least three victims were homeless. A woman who was shot but not killed in Oakland in April was also homeless. Another man was killed in the city of Oakland, 50 kilometers away, in April last year. There are also a number of similarities between the cases in relation to the ballistics investigations, according to police, although investigators did not give details.