The leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines and the sabotage at Deutsche Bahn alarmed politicians. Interior Minister Faeser announces a law to protect critical infrastructure and better equip the Federal Police.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has announced an early regulation to better protect critical infrastructure in Germany. “We are working intensively on the Kritis umbrella law that we agreed in the coalition agreement,” said Faeser of the Düsseldorf “Rheinische Post”. “In this way we will increase the requirements for the operators of critical infrastructures.” These would have to arm themselves comprehensively against dangers such as natural disasters, terrorism, sabotage, but also human error.

“At the same time, we are establishing reporting requirements for security incidents and reporting requirements for infrastructure operators and the EU member states,” announced Faeser. Before the end of this year, she will present her key points for this law to the federal cabinet. This will also strengthen the security of supply in Germany and Europe, said the SPD politician.

With a view to the most recent attacks on critical infrastructures, Faeser said: “We take the current risk situation very seriously – and are increasing protection.” The security of the critical infrastructure has the highest priority. “The Federal Criminal Police Office continuously adjusts the risk assessments to the current situation. Our security authorities act and take additional protective measures where necessary,” emphasized the Interior Minister.

After the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, the protection of maritime infrastructures was further strengthened. “At sea, the federal police show a significantly increased presence with all available forces and ships – everything that can swim is on the water,” said Faeser. The federal police have specialized skills to intervene in specific dangerous situations. Modern police helicopters, new ships and the skills of their special forces are available for this purpose.

“It is very important to me to continue to strengthen the federal police for their tasks,” Faeser continued. Therefore, the federal police will get 1,000 additional jobs next year. “We are also procuring up to 44 new transport helicopters for the Federal Police for 1.5 billion euros.” This is “one of the largest investments in the Federal Police ever”.

The federal prosecutor’s office has now started investigations into the leaks in the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea. Proceedings were initiated on suspicion of the deliberate explosion of explosives. On Saturday, targeted sabotage of Deutsche Bahn’s cable network paralyzed train services in large parts of northern Germany for around three hours.