With the new underground station in Stuttgart, regional transport in the state should also get a new cycle. Transport Minister Hermann is now explaining to the public for the first time which changes are actually pending.

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – The Stuttgart 21 railway project and the new underground station in the state capital will bring numerous changes in regional transport. Transport Minister Winfried Hermann (Greens) will provide information on what these will look like today in Stuttgart at an appointment on the new offer and timetable concept for regional transport after the commissioning of Stuttgart 21.

The S21 railway project includes the underground station in the center of Stuttgart, including an underground connection to the airport and the rapid-transit railway line to Ulm. Commissioning is planned for 2025 and should, for example, reduce the travel time between Stuttgart and Ulm by around half an hour. The costs for the project amount to around 9.15 billion euros.