Halle (dpa/sa) – In several cities in Saxony-Anhalt, thousands of people have again protested against the federal government’s energy policy and the cost increases. Both in Magdeburg and in Halle, the number of participants was over 1000, the police said on Monday evening. There were also such protests in Dessau-Roßlau, Oschersleben (Börde) and Sangerhausen (Mansfeld-Südharz). The Ministry of the Interior announced exact figures for Tuesday.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, 14,600 people took to the streets in Saxony-Anhalt a week ago on Monday. There were a total of 45 meetings across the country on German Unity Day. The priority was “measures to combat the corona pandemic, the consequences of the current Russia-Ukraine conflict and the current inflation,” said the spokeswoman for the ministry.

Posters in Magdeburg this Monday said, among other things, “Stop the gas delivery lie”, “We will not save the whole world” or “Stop price explosions for peace, freedom and prosperity”.

The protests have recently become particularly popular in East Germany. According to police estimates, more than 100,000 people demonstrated on the Day of German Unity at dozens of rallies in Thuringia, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.